About Graduate Road Map


Historically hosted by UC San Diego SHPE, the event's mission is to one day see a society where diverse mindsets are actively working together to create solutions that collectively contribute to making the world a better place. In hopes of achieving this mission, we have launched Graduate Road Map.


Date: Saturday, April 20th, 2024

Time: 10am-3:30pm

Location: UC San Diego, Franklin Antonio Hall 1301 


Student Registration

Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Please do not hesitate to reach out to Alejandra Arguelles if you need accommodations or have any questions at marguelles@ucsd.edu. 


Graduate Road Map is a one-day conference at the University of California, San Diego. Our goal for this conference is to inspire undergraduates pursuing STEM degrees to pursue advanced degrees. We want to focus on promoting opportunities for individuals to enter academia and industry at the graduate level in areas such as research and development, product development, and other high level technical careers.


The low participation of ethnic minorities in STEM graduate programs is a major concern for the future of innovation in the United States. We believe that the future of America is brighter when there are a diverse set of minds working to generate novel solutions to the complex problems facing our society.


Students attending will learn tips about applying to graduate school and discover some of the doors an advanced degree can open up for them.

  • Why go to Graduate School

  • Careers in Industry and Research/Academia (PhD or MS)

  • Funding for Graduate School 

  • Application Process

  • Making your Personal Statement Stand Out

  • MS or PhD, Which To Pursue?!