Speaker Bios


Ken Bowles

Ken Bowles - Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Engineering

Ken Bowles came to UCSD in 1965 as the junior member of a two person team, chaired by Prof. Henry Booker. They were tasked to start and organize a new department of Applied Engineering Physics (AEP). Ken received his PhD under Prof Booker at Cornell in 1955, for radar studies of the Aurora Borealis. While employed by the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory of National Bureau of Standards, he directed the construction and research use of Jicamarca Radar Observatory near Lima Peru . That work involved heavy use of computers for signal analysis to study the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere.

While starting to establish a new radio astronomy experiment near UCSD, for studies of the Sun's ionized atmosphere, the concentration on computer analysis led UCSD to appoint Ken as Computer Center Director in 1968. He introduced interactive ("online") computing to UCSD, but returned to full time teaching in 1974 when budget pressures made computer centers very controversial. With graduate student Mark Overgaard, and a supporting team of undergraduates, he then set out to provide low cost instructional computing services to the majority of UCSD students using small computers. Between late 1974 and 1980, that project grew into the UCSD Pascal Project.

As the UCSD Pascal Project grew, it was necessary for the project to leave U.C. through licensing the software to a commercial vendor. Ken then started a small software development company, later called "TeleSoft", which became a principal supplier of compilers for the Ada Programming Language worldwide. He took early Emeritus status in 1984 in order to concentrate his attentions at TeleSoft. After selling his part interest in TeleSoft in 1989, he participated for several years in the ISO committee responsible for the Ada Language standard of 1995. Since then he has turned to digital photography - concentrating on the wildflowers of San Diego County , and birds of the southwestern U.S.


Stephen Franklin

Stephen Franklin - Assistant Director, Network and Academic Computing Services, UC Irivne and Lecturer; Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science, UC Irvine


Henrik Wann Jensen

Henrik Wann Jensen - Assoc. Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Henrik Wann Jensen joined the UCSD faculty in July 2002 following three years as a research associate at Stanford University. Before Stanford, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the graphics group at MIT, and between 1996-98 a research scientist in industry working on visual effects software. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Technical University of Denmark in 1996.


Richard Kaufmann

Richard Kaufmann '78 - Distinguished Technologist, Hewlett Packard

Richard Kaufmann is a distinguished technologist at Hewlett Packard.  For the past ten years he has been working on large parallel scientific computers, e.g. the multi-TeraFLOP systems at the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center and Los Alamos National Labs.  His particular focus is on processors, servers and interconnects used in scale-out systems.

Mark Overgaard

Mark Overgaard '78 - President, Pigeon Point Systems

Mark Overgaard founded Pigeon Point Systems (PPS) in 1997 to focus on products and services supporting the adoption of open modular platforms to replace proprietary architectures, with an initial focus on the telecommunications market and CompactPCI. He is a leader in the technical subcommittees of PICMG (including the management aspects of AdvancedTCA and the corresponding CompactTCA specification, now in development). The current PPS product focus is the IPM Sentry line of platform management components, including the first available AdvancedTCA shelf and board level management components. Previously Mark was VP, Engineering at Lynx Real-Time Systems (a Unix-compatible RTOS supplier) and TeleSoft (a major supplier of embedded development solutions for Ada). He earned an M.S. in Computer Science from UC San Diego and a B.S. in Physics from Geneva College.

Stefan Savage

Stefan Savage - Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Stefan Savage joined the Jacobs School Computer Science and Engineering faculty in January 2001. He received his PhD from the University of Washington where he focused both on network protocol design and operating system structuring. He was a co-founder of Seattle-based startup Asta Networks, which specialized in denial-of-service defense and he continues to provide guidance to the public and private sectors relating to Internet security. His current interests include automated network defenses, adaptive Internet distributed storage systems and self-configuring 802.11-based wireless access networks.

Keith Shillington

Keith Shillington '78 - Co-Owner, E Street Café, Encinitas, California

Collected, Edited and distributed the copies of documentation and software for UCSD Pascal in it's early days on campus. Moved with the system to SofTech Microsystems, and stayed with it for just over a year. After leaving SofTech, Keith rejoined Ken Bowles in his then newest venture, TeleSoftware; which soon became TeleSoft. Almost 10 years with TeleSoft; Keith spent the bulk of his time developing and presenting short courses in Ada . After TeleSoft, some years were spent as an independent consultant, working with various Ada based projects around the nation.

At an Ada conference Keith met Eileen Quann, and joined her FasTrak Training group, to lead Ada instructional courses, notably to include the teams building the Space Station Training Facility, and the Boeing 777 flight deck and maintenance systems.

Keith then spent three years with SAIC building validation tests for Ada95 compilers. Once this contract exhausted it's term, it was time to return to TeleSoft, now named Aonix. Several years spent as director of customer care, when Aonix was sold, Keith moved on to spend a few years building web-based customer service systems utilizing outsourced European talent.

Keith is now the proprietor of the newly popular "E Street Cafe"; Encinitas' first true high-speed cyber cafe. Please see www.estreetcafe.com


Roger Sumner

Roger Sumner '77 - President, Beach Software Designs, Inc.

Roger Sumner founded Beach Software Designs, Inc. in 1995.  Beach Software specializes in high reliability real-time synchronous software systems/redundancy management and is currently designing and implementing software for fully autonomous unmanned air vehicles.

Roger had been involved with the UCSD Pascal Project from it's 1974 inception. While Roger was a junior at UCSD's Revelle College , Dr. Bowles asked him to participate in the Project's system software design and development.  Specifically, Roger's contributions to UCSD Pascal include the porting of Urs Amman Pascal compiler to the UCSD Pascal environment, and the design and implementation the PDP-11/LSI-11 P-Code interpreter and device drivers, the UCSD Pascal Operating System, Pascal language intrinsic functions, Filer utility and Linker utility.

John VanZandt

John VanZandt, Ph.D. '76, '79 '86 - President, CEO Consultancy, Inc.

Dr. John VanZandt is president of CEO Consultancy Inc., a software development company with offices in California and Malaysia that helps US companies develop software products and embedded systems. He brings to the company over 25 years of experience leading and building engineering organizations for successful high-technology companies. His experience ranges from hardware design to large-scale application development. Recently he has worked with distributed Java applications (Wily Technologies), SQL database accelerators (Nextgig), and information assurance software (Security First Corp.)

Prior to CEO Consultancy John was with Ethentica where he was the VP of Engineering and developed and shipped biometric sensors and software for commercial markets. He has worked for companies such as Intel, Fujitsu, GE Labs and Sequent. He has a strong track record and proven leadership in creating dynamic organizations for defining and delivering state-of-the-art software and hardware systems. His teams have created products ranging from supercomputers to enterprise Java software, from fiber-optic networks to internet security systems.

John has 4 patents pending in the US , covering areas in encryption algorithms, authentication systems, and fingerprint sensors. He is an accomplished writer and speaker on topics ranging from software development to computer architectures, including:

  • Keynote speaker at the ICAST 2003 conference in Kuala Lumpur , August 2003.
  • Authored the book arallel Processing in Information Systems,published in 1992.
  • Wrote published reports for market research organizations (e.g. Price-Waterhouse, New Science Associates)
  • Delivered invited lecture at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories 40 th anniversary celebration.

Lucia Yandell

Lucia Yandell '78, '80 - JSF SW Process Lead, Northrop Grumman, ST Radio Systems

Summary of Qualifications:
Currently a Black Belt in the Six Sigma Program Office for Northrop Grumman, Space Technology sector, Radio Systems Division (Rancho Carmel). Activities include management of teams working improvements to process and products across all business disciplines at Rancho Carmel.

Extensive experience in Radio Systems management activities: F/A-22 software project manager (2001-2003), Radio Systems Software Skills Center section manager (2001-2002), F/A-22 software process lead (1995-2001), JSF software process lead (2002-present). Experience at the division level and program level in the development of technical processes, tools, and personnel resources: Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) activities, tools analysis, CMM and CMMI initiatives, recruiting, training and career development counseling of engineers.

Extensive experience in engineering training including development and delivery of Ada and software engineering courses, software process courses, and identification of training needs for program engineers, as well as solutions to those needs.

Professional experience:

Northrop Grumman (formerly TRW) 6/95 present

  • Black Belt, Six Sigma Program Office
  • Software IPT manager, Software Process lead, Software engineer F/A-22
  • Software Skills Center section manager Radio Systems
  • Technical Engineer JSF proposal team
  • Radio Systems Software Engineering Process Group (member)

SYSCON Corporation
Senior engineer responsible for software development tasks and research and technology innovation tasks. Ada instructor.

General Electric
Software designer on a real-time software testbed project. Ada instructor.

University of California, San Diego
Ada course instructor at UCSD Extension program

Design and development of automated Ada programming courseware. Professional Ada instructor.

University of California, San Diego (1980)
Adjunct professor in Computer Science.


  • M.S. Computer Science , UCSD, 1980
  • B.A. Computer Science / Spanish Literature, UCSD, 1978
  • M.T.S Religious and Pastoral Studies, University of Dallas, 1997