Logos + Branding


Jacobs School of Engineering logos are for official use by members of the UC San Diego community.

Looking for the UC San Diego logo? You'll find it here.

Zoom backgrounds with Jacobs School branding are available here.

Check out this quick guide for using academic department logos at the Jacobs School. (Jacobs School logo downloads are below.)

(Updated Jacobs School of Engineering branded slides are on the way.)



Questions? Contact us.


UC San Diego brand

The UC San Diego (campus-wide) branding, identity and logo website is here

UC San Diego brand download page (logos / images / brand graphics / brand guidelines / color palettes / presentation templates).

To ensure the highest possible quality of marketing materials, campus academic and administrative departments are required to seek approval from University Communications for all marketing materials designed for external audiences, as well as highly visible materials designed for internal audiences such as large-format banners, pole banners and major event signage. More information can be found on the brand review and approval site. Reach out to brand@ucsd.edu with questions.

Determining the ideal file type

For digital (eg powerpoint presentation, web page, email footers) the best file format to use would be .PNG as it offers transparent backgrounds – unlike .JPG which can not by nature.

For print (eg banners, posters, brochures) the ideal format is .EPS being a vector based file it is infinitely scalable without any loss of quality. .JPG is an alternative to .EPS, but it can’t be used against anything but white backgrounds, and the quality of JPGs will degrade significantly as the logos are enlarged.

Note: these logos are only for official use by members of the UC San Diego community. 
Questions? Contact us.

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."


To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

Jacobs School of Engineering department logos

Check out this quick guide for using academic department logos at the Jacobs School.

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."

To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."


To download the image, right click on the link desired and select "Save link as..."



Using the logos

All of the logo files above need space equal a capital U between the logo and any other words or images. This means, you can't add any words or images directly above, below or next to these logo images. (See image below for example.)


Colors: please do not change the logo colors.

UC San Diego Letterhead

Looking for UC San Diego letterhead? Members of the Jacobs School community who are logged in with their "@ucsd.edu" email addresses should be able to download the UC San Diego letterhead here. If you have problems, feel free to reach out to the communications team via the contacts at the bottom of this page. 

Contacts / Questions

The identity / logo system for the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering is critical to our efforts to increase the visibility and reputation of our faculty, students, alumni, departments, research centers, staff and all other groups within the School. If you have questions, please do get in touch. It's important that we work together on this important project. Please contact Daniel Kane or David Baillot for logo files and questions:

Daniel Kane
dbkane AT ucsd DOT edu

David Baillot
dbaillot AT ucsd DOT edu