Faculty Profiles

Photo of Anthony Acampora
Acampora, Anthony
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Telecommunication, network systems design, wireless networks, wireless technologies.
Portrait of Claire Acevedo
Acevedo, Claire
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
 Biomechanics, fracture mechanics, skeletal tissues, multiscale experiments, X-ray synchrotron  
Brian Aguado UC San Diego bioengineering professor
Aguado, Brian
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
Biomaterials, tissue engineering, precision medicine, sex differences, cardiovascular disease, immunoengineering
Photo of Ludmil Alexandrov
Alexandrov, Ludmil
Professor, Bioengineering
Computational Biology; Cancer Genomics; Mutagenesis; Ageing; Bioinformatics
Photo of Adah Almutairi
Almutairi, Adah
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Nanomedicine, nanotechnology, chemistry and polymer science
Christine Alvarado
Alvarado, Christine
Associate Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education, UC San Diego
Paul R. Kube Endowed Chair of Computer Science
Lecturer SOE, Computer Science & Engineering
Curriculum and program design for computer science education, with a focus on better serving underrepresented groups.
Portrait of Ammanabrolu
Ammanabrolu, Prithviraj "Raj"
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Natural language processing, learning agents, artificial intelligence, large language models
Photo of Mark Anderson
Anderson, Mark
Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Expertise in vehicle design, navigation, and control.
Photo of Nicholas Antipa
Antipa, Nicholas
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-design of optical systems and algorithms; computational optical systems
Bioengineering professor Kiana Aran
Aran, Kiana
Associate Professor, Bioengineering
Development of bioelectronics for multi-omics studies, targeted drug delivery, and aging research  

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