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Giant Shake Table Helps Design Quake-Proof California Homes

Gizmodo | August 19, 2013

Located at the Jacobs School's Structural Engineering Department eight miles east of the main UC San Diego campus, this 25-foot x 40-foot open air shake table will be the largest such device in America and the single largest outdoor system on the planet--only the 40 x 60-foot E-Defense (Earth-Defense) indoor shake table in Miki City, Japan has a bigger footprint. UCSD's $5.9 million table is hydraulically driven with six degrees of freedom and enough power to vibrate at 6 feet per second Full Story

Engineers test building retrofits, work to improve how structures survive shaking

10news | August 18, 2013

A 4-story building built to be destroyed came crashing down Saturday and a group of engineers working at UC San Diego is celebrating that collapse. The project was to test just how much shaking would bring a structure down Full Story

Shake table experiment brings down the house

CBS 8 News | August 17, 2013

Have you ever wondered how safe your home is when it comes to being in an earthquake? Well researchers at UC San Diego, along with four other universities, have been working on an experiment to test just that. And the results, they say, could help save lives. There isn't a foolproof way to know when an earthquake will hit. But, that wasn't the case Saturday during a planned experiment at UC San Diego. Full Story