Jacobs School embarks on an aggressive path of forging partnerships with campus leaders to launch key initiatives centered on education, research and service. Engineering is a force for social good - the impact of its three part mission (Educate tomorrow's technology leaders, Conduct leading edge Research and Drive technologies) will transfer discoveries for the Benefit of Society. Our Contextual Robotics Institute, EnVision Maker Studio, Institute for the Global Entrepreneur and more will bring fundamental solutions to challenges in medicine, global policy, energy, natural resources and beyond.


Contextual Robotics Institute

Working alongside faculty in the Division of Social Sciences, Jacobs School engineers are developing safe and useful robotics systems that will function in the real word based on the contextual information they perceive, in real time. From elder care and assisted living to disaster response, medicine, transportation and environmental sensing, the possible applications that could emerge from tomorrow’s human-friendly robots are boundless.

Your investment in the Contextual Robotics Institute will support the space and equipment needed to test new robot systems—including motion, wireless communication and networks, speech recognition, power storage, machine-human interface and much more.

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EnVision - Arts and Engineering Maker Studio

Housed in the Structural and Mechanical Engineering building, the EnVision Maker Studio is a resource for aspiring engineers to design, prototype and fabricate. The space—shared with students from the Division of Arts and Humanities—fosters cross-disciplinary collaboration and encourages young engineers to approach problems imaginatively.

Your gift will support cutting-edge equipment for the EnVision Maker Studio, as well as training and mentoring for students who are experiencing engineering for the very first time.

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