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2015 News Releases
![Bone-fracture puzzles introduce undergraduates to real-world engineering](
Bone-fracture puzzles introduce undergraduates to real-world engineering
August 26, 2015
In a new project-based class, first-year bioengineering students at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering produced 3D-printed models of fractured ankles from 2D images of real patients. Full Story
![3D Printing Debuts at Robot Competition for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates](
3D Printing Debuts at Robot Competition for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduates
August 20, 2015
In the Spring of 2015, the students in Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design (MAE3), taught by mechanical and aerospace engineering professors Nate Delson and Mike Tolley, were tasked with designing a robot that can “recycle” – or rather, move items from a small staging area representing their dorm room into the correct recycling bin a few feet away. Full Story