Engineering Leadership Awards

The awards are presented to outstanding students and professionals demonstrating exceptional engineering leadership. Award winners will be recognized and rewarded for their positive impact on the Jacobs School of Engineering and the San Diego community.






Recipients of the award are chosen through a competitive selection process. Leaders will have demonstrated excellence in the following areas:



Leadership skills should be evidenced in prior engineering, academic, industry or community projects serving their employers, departments or fellow students. Leaders will have proven or demonstrated the emerging ability to influence others in the profession, the skills to set and attain goals and the ability to help others grow in their knowledge and leadership skills.


Engineering ability should be distinguished by leaders' skills as compared to those of their colleagues or peer group and have demonstrated a strong grasp of engineering knowledge through implementation of technical solutions in competitions or real-world challenges.


Communications skills that produce effective and inspiring spoken, written and electronic communications to individuals and groups.


Teamwork ability as demonstrated through effective team management, collaboration and contributions towards a common goal.



Award Winners

Winners receive a medal, membership in the Gordon Alumni SEALS and a monetary award as follows:



Undergraduate Recipients




Graduate Recipients




Professional Recipients

No monetary award for professional recipients


High School Recipients

$100 per team member (COSMOS only)



The student and professional nomination and application forms have closed. Due to COVID-19, the Engineering Leadership Awards Gala has been postponed. Stay tuned for more information.