Academic Enrichment

Cluster Field Trips

Field trips offer COSMOS students behind-the-scenes access to many regional resources utilized by UCSD researchers. Field trips will vary between clusters and are included in the tuition.

Enrichment Sessions

On certain days, students will have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities. These may include round-table discussions, study groups, research information, UCSD admission presentations and student presentation skills activities. Students will be made aware of the opportunities available to them.

Discovery Lecture Series

Renowned scientists and engineers will speak on Thursday mornings during COSMOS to share a wide range of research topics. These presentations focus on current research in the speaker's field and are designed to introduce students to a broad spectrum of subjects, expanding their learning outside of their cluster topics.

Women in STEM

COSMOS is proud to host a Women In STEM Discussion Panel, where female-identifying leaders working in various roles within the STEM fields discuss with our students their personal insights regarding their academic and career journeys.

2024 Women in STEM Panelists

Alumni Panel

COSMOS hosts an annual COSMOS Alumni Panel, featuring alumni from different COSMOS campuses as well as UCSD COSMOS alums. This is an opportunity for current COSMOS students to hear about recent as well as not-so-recent alumni's professional and scholastic journeys since the time they attended the program.

2024 Alumni Panel Panelists