FAQ's for Teachers

Teacher Fellows are local math or science high school teachers chosen for their personal and professional achievements and their potential impact on the academic development of students. Teacher Fellows serve as a bridge between cluster faculty and students, and gain knowledge and experience while working with university instructors, participating in field and laboratory work and teaching a Science Communications course. Teacher Fellows have the opportunity to work with motivated students, form relationships with university researchers and scientists, and gain access to university resources. Applicants choose the cluster that best fits their professional and personal background, and if hired, receive a stipend.

Applications for Summer 2024 must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., January 16th, 2024 or until positions are filled. 

Teacher Fellows serve as the pedagogical bridge between high school student learning and university faculty teaching. Teacher Fellows have high recommendations from their site administrators. They will participate in all class room content, including laboratory and field work, contribute to the development of ideas for student final projects and be a liaison between the residential and academic programs. The Science Communication course, taught by Teacher Fellows, allows opportunity for adjustment and change to meet the goals of this course and the cluster curriculum.

Teacher Fellows will participate in training sessions in June, and early July, with both faculty and the COSMOS Resident Assistants (RAs). The faculty will also use this time to "work though" cluster experiments to ensure things run as smoothly as possible.

Although lunch is provided for teachers on weekdays (Monday through Friday), other meals and lodging are not available through the program.

Contact COSMOS via e-mail at cosmos@ucsd.edu.