Transfer Triumph Community Workshops

Transfer Triumph Community Workshops is a series of forums focused on professional development, career preparation, and building community among transfer students at the Jacobs School of Engineering. Offered quarterly, these workshops provide an opportunity for students to engage in an open discussion with engineering professionals, career staff and peers on topics that include starting a resume and strengthening it over time, preparing for career fairs, maintaining professional contacts, and nailing interviews.

Transfer Triumph Community Workshops also serves as a networking opportunity that allows transfer students to interact with engineering professionals and their peers for guidance and support.

The Next Transfer Triumph Community Workshop is being held on:
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
3:00pm – 5:00pm
Qualcomm Conference Center, Jacobs Hall
Topic: Interview Like a Pro 

Space is limited due to room capacity, so you must RSVP if you plan to attend. Food and drinks will be provided.

Student RSVP Form