The IDEA Center provides many opportunities and resources to enhance, augment, and provide support for the engineering curriculum at UC San Diego. We offer engaging academic, professional, and technical development and support opportunities to help strengthen students’ abilities inside and outside of the classroom.
ENG 10 - Fundamentals of Engineering Applications
This course is designed to increase motivation and student success in engineering through an application-orientated, hands-on introduction to engineering mathematics and design processes.
ENG 15 - Engineer Your Success
ENG 15 "Engineer Your Success" is a 2-unit course designed to enhance your success as an engineering student (and later as an engineer) by developing key academic and personal skills. This course focuses on academic and personal planning, time management, study skills, and paths to personal growth with personal instructor support and guidance. Activities include individual and collaborative exercises, personal reflections, and a final project.
ENG 20 - Introduction to Engineering Research
This course sets the foundation for a year-long research experience through the Guided Engineering Apprenticeship in Research (GEAR) program. ENG 20 introduces GEAR participants to research in engineering, with a focus on defining a research problem, reading technical papers, and communicating technical content. This course is only available to GEAR participants.
ENG 30 - Problem Solving for the 21st Century Changemaker
Problem-solving ranks as the most highly demanded skill in today's workforce. This course teaches effective strategies and techniques for building strong problem solving skills for real world challenges. Gain hands-on experience with projects and practical skills for solving open-ended problems and creating innovative solutions.