Career Resources

Welcome to the IDEA Student Center's Career Resources page. We invite you to explore the career and professional opportunities available to you through this page.

If you can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to contact us, or stop by Jacobs Hall. Utilizing the resources available to you is important for your personal and academic success. We look forward to working with you!




Internships/Student Jobs Bulletin
Current listing of employment opportunities for Jacobs School students.

CAP Resume Database
Post your resumes to the Corporate Affiliates Program (CAP) Resume Database for an insider advantage. Our 70+ industry partners can access student resumes online via this members-only searchable database.

Team Internship Program
Paid full-time internship during the summer.

Engineering Job Websites
Provides links to other engineering job boards.


Annual Events



The Disciplines of Engineering Career Fair (DECaF) provides company representatives the opportunity to interact with UCSD's talented engineering students regarding internships and employment opportunities.

Hosted every February by: 



Professional Evening with Industry (PEI) is committed to enhancing professional skills necessary for our students to compete in today's corporate environment.

Hosted every November by:

CAP member companies recruit on-campus at Day@Jacobs School events.

On-Campus Resources



Career Services Center
The Career Center is a one-stop shop for career and internship advising, career exploration, resume development, graduate school preparation, career fairs, and Port Triton job and internship postings.

Academic Internship Program (AIP)
AIP offers students an opportunity to apply academic knowledge and analytical skills in professional settings while earning academic credit. Students can earn academic credit for internships that are available locally and nationally.


Boost Your Resume – Start Today!



Engineering Student Organizations and Project Teams
Get involved outside of the classroom in one of the various engineering student organizations! Besides the chance to apply your engineering skills, participation in student organizations will provide you with invaluable leadership experiences and will provide you with the opportunity to make a difference in your community!

Undergraduate Research
Learn how to take advantage of the countless research opportunities available to you as a Jacobs School of Engineering student.

Global TIES – Teams in Engineering Service
TIES gives students an invaluable opportunity to apply their skills in a real world setting, while learning firsthand the role that engineering and technology can play in solving the problems that face their local community and the world.


Experiential Learning Portal
Discover, experiment, and broaden your knowledge through first-hand experiences offered by UCSD and the community.

Center for Student Involvement – Communication and Leadership
Communication and Leadership programs help you build confidence and develop skills in public speaking, interpersonal and professional communication, intergroup relations, and leadership. The programs are FREE to all UCSD undergraduate and graduate students.

Alumni Association
Develop your leadership skills and begin to build your professional network now through the student member groups: Student Foundation, Order of the Tritons, and Scholars Society.