Impacted Majors

Due to high demand, some engineering majors at the Jacobs School have been designated as oversubscribed. They are:

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE)

1. Mechanical Engineering (Effective Fall 2009 for freshmen. Effective Fall 2011 for transfers)

2. Aerospace Engineering (Effective Fall 2009 for freshmen. Effective Fall 2011 for transfers)

Bioengineering (BE)

3. Bioengineering (Effective Fall 2010 for freshmen and transfers)

4. Bioengineering: Biotechnology (Effective Fall 2010 for freshmen and transfers)

Acceptance into an Impacted Engineering Major

Acceptance into an oversubscribed engineering major is based on academic excellence demonstrated in high school, community college or other four year institutions.

Admitted freshmen that have applied to an oversubscribed major will be further evaluated by the Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools for admission to the major. Acceptance will be granted to the maximum number of students in each of these impacted major programs. Students who are not admitted to the oversubscribed major are placed into the alternate major they selected on the UC Undergraduate Application, provided the alternate is not oversubscribed.

We highly recommend that freshman applicants list a non-oversubscribed open major as their alternate choice on the UC Undergraduate Application. If a student lists an oversubscribed major as both the first and alternate choices on the UC application, and is not admitted to the first choice major, the Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools will place the student in the Undeclared major. The Undeclared major is not affiliated with the Jacobs School. However, students admitted as undeclared may later seek admission to an open engineering major.

Admitted transfer students who choose impacted engineering major programs as their first choice major on their UC application are strongly encouraged to complete the major preparation classes. Acceptance to impacted majors may be limited to the best transfer applicants, e.g., those who have been admitted with the most complete lower-division preparation and the highest college grade-point averages. For impacted majors, a competitive UCSD transferable cumulative GPA of 3.20 and 3.40 in the major-preparation courses is recommended. Since acceptance is restricted to these majors, transfer students are encouraged to apply to more than one major degree program.

We highly recommend that transfer applicants who list an impacted engineering major as their first major, choose a non-impacted engineering major or non-engineering major as their alternate choice. If a student lists impacted engineering majors as both the first and alternate choices on the UC application, and is not admitted to either of their engineering major choices, the Office of Admissions and Relations will place the student in the Undeclared major. The undeclared major is not affiliated with the Jacobs School. However, students admitted as Undeclared may later seek admission to an open engineering major.