Fan Chung C. Graham

Faculty-Emeritus, Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty-Emeritus, Computer Science and Engineering

Algorithmic design, parallel computing, communications networks, Internet computing, discrete geometry, and active compilers for the Grid.

Professor Graham's research interests include graph theory, combinatorics, and algorithmic design. She is an authority on spectral-graph theory, extremal graphs, graph labeling, graph decompositions, random graphs, graph algorithms (all useful for visualizing and modeling networks), and parallel structures. One focus is whether common mathematical models can describe multiple types of networks, not only computer networks such as the Internet but also social networks connecting people, and biological models of gene and protein interactions. A related matter is how accurately distance values, such as the average and maximum "hops" a data packet travels to destination, can be predicted using relatively few parameters. Graham has written or co-written numerous papers in areas ranging from pure mathematics ( e.g., differential geometry, number theory) to the applied (e.g., optimization, computational geometry, telecommunications and Internet computing). She has developed courses to bridge the gap between classroom mathematics, and math practiced in the real world.

Capsule Bio:
Fan Chung Graham, the Akamai Professor in Internet Mathematics, joined the UCSD faculty in 1998. Before coming to UCSD she was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she had completed her Ph.D in mathematics in 1974. From 1974-1983, she worked on the technical staff of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Between 1983 and 1993, Graham headed the Mathematics, Information Sciences and Operations Research Division at Bellcore, and was named a Fellow in 1991. In 2003, the UC Board of Regents named her Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in special recognition of her illustrious career. Since 1998, she has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1990, she was awarded the Allendoerfer Award by the Mathematical Association of America. She is the author of two books -- "Erdös on Graphs" and "Spectral Graph Theory" - and is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Applied Mathematics.

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