Alex C. Snoeren

Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering

Computer systems, including operating systems and networking, and particularly protocols to support secure and robust wide-area mobile computing.

Known for his early work combatting distributed denial of service attacks, Snoeren designed SPIE at BBN Technologies, the first and only IP traceback mechanism capable of determining the source of an individual packet. Recently, as part of the UCSD Collaborative Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses (CCIED), he helped develop Potemkin, the world's largest high-interaction honey farm, to study the spread of worms and viruses. Snoeren and his colleagues are currently investigating packet attribution techniques based on a cryptographic primitive called a 'group signature' to simultaneously enhance privacy and accountability in the Internet. Along with his students, Snoeren is also attempting to improve the Internet's manageability, performance and reliability. They recently developed SCORE, a correlation-based fault diagnosis system now in use by a major Internet service provider. Snoeren is also actively exploring new source routing and congestion control mechanisms. Focusing on wireless networks with colleagues Stefan Savage and Geoff Volker, his group designed Jigsaw, a system that monitors and detects performance anomalies in enterprise and metropolitan 802.11 networks. Other areas of active exploration include resource allocation, virtual machine technology, and overlay networking.

Capsule Bio:

Professor Snoeren joined the UCSD Computer Science and Engineering faculty in 2003, where is is a member of the Systems and Networking research group. Snoeren received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003) and an M.S. in Computer Science (1997) and Bachelors of Science in Computer Science (1996) and Applied Mathematics (1997) from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2004), the MIT EECS George M. Sprowls Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention, 2003), and the Best Student Paper award at the ACM SIGCOMM conference (2001).


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