Sorin Lerner

Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering

Programming language and analysis, including domain-specific languages, compilation, formal methods and automated theorem proving.

Professor Lerner's research interests lie in programming language and analysis techniques for making software systems easier to write, maintain and understand, including static program analysis, domain specific languages, compilation, formal methods and automated theorem proving. He is a member of the UCSD Programming Systems Group. Current projects include: - Rhodium: A framework for provably correct compiler optimizations; - Collider: A next-generation compilation system, successor to the Rhodium language and system; and - Radar: A scalable analysis engine for concurrent programs.

Capsule Bio:
Sorin Lerner joined the Computer Science and Engineering faculty of the Jacobs School in January 2006. He grew up in Montreal, then studied computer engineering at McGill. After McGill, he went to graduate school in the Computer Science department at the University of Washington in Seattle.

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