Lawrence K. Saul

Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering

Machine learning, pattern recognition, voice processing, auditory computation and methods for high dimensional data analysis.

Lawrence Saul is internationally known for his work on high dimensional data analysis and visualization. Combining ideas from the fields of computer science and statistics, he has developed powerful, new algorithms for revealing low dimensional structure in high dimensional data. Though capable of identifying complex nonlinear relationships, his approaches retain the tractability of traditional linear methods. His work on nonlinear dimensionality reduction has applications in many areas of science and engineering, including computational neuroscience, pattern recognition, and information processing in sensor networks. Saul is also an expert in the application of ideas from machine learning to problems in audio processing. With his students, he is focused on improved acoustic models for automatic speech recognition, efficient (real-time) algorithms for auditory scene analysis, and robust integration of cues in different frequency bands. Much of his work in speech and audio processing is inspired by psychoacoustic models of human listeners. He is especially interested in "the cocktail party" problem -- how to follow a single voice in a room with multiple overlapping speakers. Algorithms for solving this problem have widespread applications in audio surveillance and information retrieval.

Capsule Bio:
Lawrence Saul is an associate professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering. His main research interests lie in machine learning and audio processing. His methods for high dimensional data analysis have been applied to many problems in science and engineering. Saul received his Ph.D. in Physics from M.I.T. in 1994. In 1999, after working three years in the speech center at AT&T Labs, he was recognized by the MIT-based journal Technology Review as one of 100 top innovators under the age of thirty-five. A recent bibliographic analysis by Essential Science Indicators indicated that his work had entered the top 1% of total citations earned in the field of Computer Science. He is a founding member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Machine Learning Research.


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