James D. Hollan

Faculty, Computer Science and Engineering

Cognitive ethnography, distributed and embodied cognition, human-computer interaction, multiscale information visualization, multimodal interaction, and software tools for visualization and interaction.

My research explores the cognitive consequences of computationally-based media. It is motivated by a belief that we are at the beginning of a paradigm shift in thinking about representational media, one that is starting to appreciate the importance of representations that are not only dynamic and interactive but that also adapt to the structure of tasks, the context of activities, and even our relationships with others. The goal is to better understand the cognitive, computational, and social ecology of these dynamic interactive adaptive media. My current work involves four intertwined activities: developing theory and methods, designing representations, implementing prototypes, and evaluating the effectiveness of systems and understanding the broader design space in which they are situated.

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Current research is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Chancellor's Interdisciplinary Collaboratories Program. Recently completed research has been funded by California's Digital Media Innovation Program, Darpa, Intel, Microsoft, Nissan, NSF, Sony, and the UC MICRO Program.


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