Sheng Zhong

Faculty, Bioengineering

Computational genomics, epigenomics, stem cells and developmental biology, single-cell nano-technology.  

The Zhong lab is interested in epigenomics, stem cell and developmental biology. Their work addresses the causal relationships between gene regulation and cellular behaviors, through developing high-throughput and single-cell technologies and computational modeling of gene networks. The lab discovered genetic differences between humans and other mammals in early embryonic development, and contributed to introducing the field of "comparative epigenomics”. Current projects include reprogramming cancer epigenomes, developing high-throughput assays for RNA interaction networks, single-cell analysis of mouse embryos, and developing evolutionary models for epigenomes. 

Capsule Bio:

Dr. Zhong received his B.S. in Applied Mathematics and B.A. in Economics from Peking University. He received his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Harvard University in 2005 and worked at the BioX Center of Stanford University as a visiting scholar. He was an associate professor and Bliss Faculty Scholar at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign prior to his appointment at UC San Diego. He is supported by NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, NSF CAREER Award, and Alfred Sloan Fellowship. Dr. Zhong received University of Illinois Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising for two consecutive years.


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