Jiun-Shyan Chen

Faculty, Structural Engineering
Faculty, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
William Prager Endowed Chair

Computational solid mechanics, multiscale materials modeling, modeling of extreme events.

Chen's research interests are in computational solid mechanics and multiscale materials modeling.  More specifically, he investigates

  • Finite Element and Meshfree Methods for nonlinear mechanics
  • Multiscale modeling of material defects
  • Computational methods for simulation of fragment-impact processes
  • Computational shock dynamics
  • Computational geomechanics
  • Physics constrained data-driven computing with applications to biological materials and digital twins
  • Reduced order methods for biological systems
  • Reduced order method for inelastic materials and materials with defects
  • Multiscale and reduced order modeling of molecular systems with applications to DNA modeling
  • Image based multiscale computational mechanics for skeletal muscles
  • Accelerated Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for continuum, plates, shells, composites, large deformation, and contact problems
  • Mathematical analysis of Galerkin and collocation meshfree methods
  • Computational methods development for modeling of material manufacturing processes such as metal forming, stamping, and extrusion
  • Wavelet Galerkin method in multiscale homogenization of heterogeneous materials
  • Mesoscopic modeling of grain growth and grain boundary migration
  • Adaptive multiscale meshfree method for solving Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics
  • Modeling of microstructural evolution and local instability (such as wrinkling formation) in polycrystalline materials
  • Computational damage mechanics and strain localization
  • Computational methods for rubber-like incompressible materials
  • Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method for large deformation and contact problems
  • Mixed finite element method based on multiple-field variational principle
  • Probabilistic finite element method for acoustic-structure interaction

Capsule Bio:

J. S. Chen earned his undergraduate degree from National Central University (1978-1982) in Taiwan, and received master's (1986) and Ph.D. (1989) from Northwestern University. He worked in GenCorp's Research Division from 1989 to 1994. From 1994 to 2001, he held a faculty position in the Mechanical Engineering Department of The University of Iowa before moving to UCLA in 2001, where he served as the Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department from 2007 to 2012. He was the Chancellor's Professor in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at UCLA and also Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department and Mathematics Department. In 2013, he joined the Structural Engineering Department of UC San Diego as the inaugural holder of the William Prager Endowed Chair. He also is the director of the Center for Extreme Events Research and a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego.

Selected Awards and Honors:

  • Computational Mechanics Award, Japan Association for Computational Mechanics (JACM), 2021.
  • Grand Prize, Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES), 2020.
  • The Belytschko Medal, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics (formerly USACM Computational Structural Mechanics Award), June, 2017
  • 2017 John A. Blume Distinguished Lecture, Stanford University, January 24, 2017.
  • Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award, ASME Applied Mechanics Division, November, 2016.
  • Wen-Yuan Seminar, Tongji University, China, October 19, 2016.
  • Distinguished Fellow, ICCES 2015 (International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences)
  • Elected President of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), 2015 - 2017
  • Elected Fellow, Society of Engineering Science, 2019
  • Elected Inaugural Fellow, Engineering Mechanics Institute, 2013
  • The Computational Mechanics Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2012
  • The ICACM Award, International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics (ICACM), 2011
  • President, US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2010-2012
  • Elected Executive Council member, International Association for Computational Mechanics, 2010-present
  • Outstanding Alumnus of National Central University, Taiwan, 2007
  • Delivered Y. P. Shih Endowed Lecture, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, 2008
  • Elected Executive and General Council Member, International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanic, 2007-present
  • Chancellor's Professor, UCLA, 2006-present
  • Vice President, US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2008-2010
  • Elected Treasurer, US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2006-2008
  • Elected Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013
  • Elected Fellow, International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics, 2011
  • Elected Fellow, International Association for Computational Mechanics, 2006
  • Elected Fellow, US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2005
  • Elected At-Large member, Executive Council, US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2001-2006
  • Editor-in-Chief, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, an International Journal, 2006-present
  • Associate Editor, ASCE Engineering Mechanics, 2005-2010
  • Editorial/Advisory Board: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2004-present), Structural Engineering and Mechanics (2003-present), International Journal of Computational Methods (2003 – present), Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics (2003-present), Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (2009 – present), US Association for Computational Mechanics Newsletter (2008-2012), ASCE Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics (2011-present), Computational Particle Dynamics (2013-present), International Journal of Modern Mechanics (2014-present), Modeling in Mechanics and Materials (2015-present), Computational Particle Dynamics (2013-present), International Journal of Modern Mechanics (2014-present).
  • Guest Editor: Computational Mechanics (2000), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2004), Mechanics of Materials (2009)
  • General Council member, International Association for Computational Mechanicss, 2003-present
  • James Lightners Faculty Fellowship, The University of Iowa, 2001
  • Faculty Scholar Award, The University of Iowa, 2000
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, The University of Iowa, 1996
  • Carver Scientific Research Initiation Award, The University of Iowa, 1996
  • GenCorp Technology Achievement Award, GenCorp, 1991
  • Global Directory of Who's Who, 2009/2010 Edition
  • Cited in Strathmore's Who's Who, 2004-2005 Edition, 2004
  • Cited in Who's Who in American Education, (6th Edition) 2003 edition
  • Cited in Who's Who in Engineering Education, 2002 edition
  • Cited in Lexington Who's Who, (Millennium Ed.), 2000
  • Cited in Who's Who in the World, (17th Ed.), 1999
  • Cited in Who's Who in Science and Engineering (4th Ed.), 1997
  • Cited in Who's Who in Finance and Industry (30th Ed.), 1996

Selected Publications:

Book Chapters

  1. Hillman, M. and Chen, J. S., “Performance Comparison of Nodally Integrated Galerkin Meshfree Methods and Nodally Collocated Strong Form Meshfree Methods,” Advances in Computational Plasticity [Ed. Onate, E.], Springer, pp. 145-164, 2018.
  2. Chen, J. S., Liu, W. K., Hillman, M., Chi, S. W., Lian, Y., Bessa, M. A., “Reproducing Kernel Approximation and Discretization,” Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Second Edition [Eds. Erwin Stein, René de Borst, and Thomas J. R. Hughes], John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chapter 20, pp. 1-41, 2017.
  3. Hillman, M., Chen, J. S., “An Implicit Gradient Meshfree Formulation for Convection-Dominated Problems,” Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology Book Series [Eds. Kenji Takizawa, Yuri Bazilevs], pp. 25-38, 2016.
  4. Hillman, M., Chen, J. S., Roth, M. J., “Advanced Computational Methods to Understand & Mitigate Extreme Events,” IACM Expression, Vol. 36, pp. 12-16, 2016.
  5. Chen, J. S., Belytschko, T., “Meshless and Meshfree Methods,” Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics [Ed. Bjorn Engquist], Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 886-894, 2015.
  6. Chen, J. S., Hillman, M., Rüter, M., Hu, H. Y., S. W. Chi, “The Role of Quadrature in Meshfree Methods: Variational Consistency in Galerkin Weak Form and Collocation in Strong Form,” IACM Expressions, Vol. 34, pp. 11-17, 2014.
  7. Basava R. R., Chen J. S., Zhang Y., Sinha, S., Sinha, U., Hodgson, J., Csapo, R., and Malis, V., “Pixel Based Meshfree Modeling of Skeletal Muscles,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science [Eds. Y.J. Zhang and J.M.R.S. Tavares], Springer, CompIMAGE 2014, LNCS 8641, pp. 316–327, 2014.
  8. Wang, D., Chen, J. S., “Recent Advances in Meshfree Methods for Plat and Shell Analysis,” Computational Solid Mechanics-Structural Analysis and Algorithms [Ed. Chen, Y.], China Higher Education Press & Springer, 2013.
  9. Yang, J. P., Chi, S. Sw., Chen, J. S., “Image Based Multiscale Modeling of Porous Bone Materials,” Multiscale Simulations and Mechanics of Biological Materials [Eds. S. Li and D. Qian], John Wiley & Sons Lt., pp. 377-401, 2012.
  10. Chen, J. S., Guan, P. C., Chi, S. W., Ren, X., Roth, M. J., Slawson, T. R., Alsale, M., "Multiscale Semi-Lagrangian Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Modeling Damage Evolution in Geomaterials," Advances in Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials [Eds. S. Bonelli, C. Dascalu, F. Nicot], Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering 11, pp. 179-185, 2011.
  11. Ren, X., Chen, J. S., and Li, J., “Micro-crack Informed Multi-scale Damage Model: Theory and Computation,” Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics [Eds. W. Wu, R. Borja], Springer, pp. 117-121, 2011.
  12. Chen, J. S., Lee, C. H., Teng, H. L., Wang, H., "Atomistic to Continuum Modeling of DNA Molecules," Advances in Soft Matter Mechanics [Ed: S. Li], Springer, pp. 1-53, 2010.
  13. Chen, J. S., Hu, W., “Orbital HP-Clouds for Quantum Systems,” Meshless Method [Eds. A. Ferreira, E. Kansa, G. Fasshauer, V. Leitão], pp. 51-62, Springer, 2008.
  14. Hu, H. Y., Chen, J. S., Hu, W., “Reproducing Kernel Enhanced Local Radial Collocation Method,” Meshless Method [Eds. A. Ferreira, E. Kansa, G. Fasshauer, V. Leitão], Springer, pp. 175-188, 2008.
  15. Chen, J. S., Hu, W., “Reproducing Kernel Partition of Unity: From Continuum to Quantum,” Computational Mechanics [Eds. Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan], pp. 167-179, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
  16. Chen, J. S. and Wu, Y., “Stability in Lagrangian and Semi-Lagrangian Reproducing Kernel Discretizations Using Nodal Integration in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics,” Computational Methods in Applied Sciences [Eds. V. M. A. Leitao, C. J. S. Alves, C. A. Duarte], Springer, pp. 55-77, 2007.
  17. Chen, J. S., Kim, N. H., “Meshfree Method and Application to Shape Optimization,” Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, World Scientific [Ed. Arora], pp. 389-414, 2007.
  18. Chen, J. S. and Mehraeen, S., “A Coupled Meso-Macro Scale Formulation for Modeling of Microstructure Evolution and Wrinkling Formation in Polycrystalline Materials,” Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Biology, Electronics and Material Science [Ed. G. C. Shi], Springer, pp. 11-23, 2006.
  19. Liu, W. K., Chen, J. S. and Lu, Y. Y., “Probabilistic Analysis of a Fluid-Shell System with Random Imperfection,” Computational Mechanics of  Probabilistic and Reliability Analysis [Eds. W. K. Liu and T. Belytschko], Elmepress International, pp. 554-577, 1989.
  20. Chen, J. S., Liu, W. K. and Belytschko, T., “Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Methods for Material with Memory and Friction,” Recent Development in Computational Fluid Dynamics [Eds. T. Tezduyar and T. J. R. Hughes], ASME-AMD, Vol. 95, pp. 11-32, 1988.
  21. Liu, W. K., Chen, J. S. and Belytschko, T. “Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Stress Update Procedures,” Advances in Inelastic Analysis [Eds. S.Nakazawa, N.Robelo], ASME-AMD, Vol. 88, pp. 153-175, 1987.

Journal Articles

  1. He, X., Tanejaa, K., Chen, J. S., Lee, C. H., Hodgson, J. Malis, V. Sinha, U., Sinha, S., Multiscale Modeling of Passive Material Influences on Deformation and Force Output of Skeletal Muscles, Under Review, Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2021. 
  2. Morales, R. C., Baek, J., Sharp, D., Aderounmu, A., Wei, H., Chen, J. S., Eliasson, V., “Mode-II Fracture Response of PMMA Under Dynamic Loading Conditions,” Under Review, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 2021.
  3. Huang, T. H., Chen, J. S., Tupek, M. R., Beckwith, F. N., Fang, H. El., “A Variational Multiscale Immersed Meshfree Method for Fluid Structure Interactive Systems involving Shock Waves,” Under Review, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021.
  4. He, X., He, Q., Chen, J. S., “Deep autoencoders for physics-constrained data-driven nonlinear materials modeling,” Under Revision, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2021.114016, Vol. 385, 2021.
  5. Neofytou, A. Tsung-Hui Huang, T. H., Kambampati, S., Picellic R., Chen, J. S., Kim, H. A., “Level set topology optimization with nodally integrated reproducing kernel particle method,” Accepted, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2021.114034, Vol. 385, 2021.
  6. Hu, H. Y., and Chen, J. S., “Convergence Analysis of Reproducing Kernel Particle Method to Elliptic Eigenvalue Problem,” Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, DOI: 10.1002/num.22757, Vol.37, pp. 2647–2667, 2021.
  7. He, Q., Laurence, D. W., Lee, C. H. and Chen, J. S., “Manifold Learning Based Data-Driven Modeling for Soft Biological Tissues,” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 117, 110124, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.110124
  8. Pasetto, M., Baek, J., Chen, J. S., Wei, H., Sherburn, J. A., Roth, M. J., “A Lagrangian/semi-Lagrangian Coupling Approach for Accelerated Meshfree Modelling of Extreme Deformation Problems,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2021.113827, Vol. 381, 113827, 2021.
  9. Kaneko, S., Wei, H., He, Q., Chen, J. S. and Yoshimura, S., “A Hyper-reduction Computational Method for Accelerated Modeling of Thermal Cycling-Induced Plastic Deformations,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 151, 104385, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2021.104385
  10. Baek, J., Chen J. S., Zhou, G., Arnett K. P., Hillman, M., Hegemier, G., Hardesty, S., “Modeling of Explosive Welding Using a Semi-Lagrangian Meshfree Method with a Node-based Shock Algorithm,” Computational Mechanics, Vol., 67, pp. 1059–1097, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-021-02008-2
  11. Huang, T. H., Chen, J. S., Tupek, M., Beckwith, F. N., Koester, J. J., “A Variational Multiscale Immersed Meshfree Method for Heterogeneous Materials,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 67(4), pp. 1059-1097, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-020-01968-1
  12. He, X., He, Q., Chen, J. S., Sinha, U., and Sinha, S., “Physics-constrained Local Convexity Data-driven Modeling of Anisotropic Nonlinear Elastic Solids,” Data-Centric Engineering, doi:10.1017/dce.2020.20, Vol. 1, e19, 2020.
  13. Sinha, U., Malis, V., Chen, J. S., Csapo, R., Kinugasa, R., Narici, M. V., and Sinha, S., “Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Loss of Muscle Force With Age and Unloading Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Biochemical Analysis, and Computational Models,” Frontiers in Physiology, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00626, Vol. 11, Article 626, 2020.
  14. Neofytou, A., Picelli, R., Huang, T.H., Chen, J. S., Kim, H. A., “Level set topology optimization for design-dependent pressure loads using the reproducing kernel particle method,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-020-02549-9, Vol. 61, pp. 1805–1820, 2020.
  15. Huang, T. H., Wei, H., Chen, J. S., Hillman, M., “RKPM2D: An Open-Source Implementation of Nodally Integrated Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Solving Partial Differential Equations,” Journal of Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 393–433, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-019-00272-x
  16. Moutsanidis, G., Koester, J. J., Tupek, M. R., Chen, J. S., Bazilevs, Y., Treatment of near-incompressibility in meshfree and immersed-particle methods, Journal of Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 309–327, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-019-00238-z
  17. Huang, T. H., Chen, J. S., Wei, H., Roth, M. J., Sherburn J. A., Bishop, J. E., Tupek, M. R., Fang, E. H. “A MUSCL-SCNI Approach for Meshfree Modeling of Shock Waves in Fluids,” Journal of Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 329–350, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-019-00248-x
  18. Chen, J. S., Chi, S. W., Hillman, M., “Preface: meshfree and particle methods for modeling extreme loadings,” Journal of Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 173–176, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-019-00299-0
  19. Wei, H., Chen, J. S., Beckwith, F., Baek, J., A naturally stabilized semi-Lagrangian meshfree formulation for multiphase porous media with application to landslide modeling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 146(4), 04020012, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001729
  20. Zhang, Y., Chen, J. S., He, Q., He, X., Basava, R. R., Hodgson, J., Sinha, U., Sinha, S., “Microstructural Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Force Generation During Ageing,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3295, 2019.
  21. He, Q. and Chen, J. S., “A Physics-Constrained Data-Driven Approach Based on Locally Convex Reconstruction for Noisy Database,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 10.1016/j.cma.2019.112791, 2019.
  22. Koester, J. J., Chen, J. S., “Conforming window functions for meshfree methods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 347, pp. 588–621, 2019.
  23. He, Q., Chen, J. S, Marodon, C., “A Decomposed Subspace Reduction for Fracture Mechanics based on the Meshfree Integrated Singular Basis Function Method”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 63, pp. 593–614, 2019.
  24. Pasetto, M., Waisman, H., and Chen, J. S., “A Waveform Relaxation Newmark Method for Structural Dynamics Problems”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 340, pp. 1044-1078, 2018.
  25. Wei, H., Chen, J., S., “A Damage Particle Method for Smeared Modeling of Brittle Fracture,” International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Vol. 16, pp. 303–324, 2018.
  26. Kamensky, D. Moutsanidis, G., Chen, J. S., Bazilevs, Y., “Hyperbolic Phase Field Modeling of Brittle Fracture: Part II—Immersed IGA–RKPM Coupling for Air-Blast–Structure Interaction,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 121, pp. 114-132, 2018.
  27. Pasetto, M., Leng, Y., Chen, J. S., Foster, J., Seleson, P., “A Reproducing Kernel Enhanced Approach for Peridynamic Solutions”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 340, pp. 1044-1078, 2018.
  28. He, Q., Wei, H., Chen, J. S., Wang, H. P., Carlson, B. E., “Analysis of hot cracking during lap joint laser welding processes using the melting state based thermomechanical modeling approach,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 94, pp. 4373–4386, 2018.
  29. Wang X., Prakash A., Taciroglu, E., Chen, J. S., “Variationally Consistent Coupling of Non-matching Discretizations for Large Deformation Problems”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 60, pp. 465-478, 2017.
  30. Liang, S., Chen, J. S., Li, J., Lin, S. P., Chi, S. W., Hillman, M., Roth, M. J., Heard, W., “Numerical Investigation of Statistical Variation of Concrete Material Properties between Scales,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 208(1), pp. 97-113, 2017.
  31. Ruter, M. and Chen, J. S., “An Enhanced-Strain Error Estimator for Meshfree Methods based on Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 74, pp. 2144-2171, 2017.
  32. Wei, H., He, Q., Chen, J. S., Wang, H. P., Carlson, B. E., “Coupled Thermal-Mechanical-Contact Analysis of Hot Cracking in Laser Welded Lap Joints,” Journal of Laser Applications, Vol. 29(2), pp. 022412, 2017.
  33. Yreux, E. and Chen, J. S., “A Quasi-Linear Reproducing Kernel Particle Method,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 109. pp. 1045–1064, 2017.
  34. Bazilevs, Y., Moutsanidis, G., Bueno, J., Kamran, K., Kamensky, D., Hillman, M. C., Gomez, H., Chen, J. S., “A New Formulation for Air-Blast Fluid-Structure Interaction Using an Immersed Approach. Part II: Coupling of IGA and Meshfree Discretizations”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 60, pp. 101-116, 2017.
  35. Chen, J. S., Hillman, M., and Chi, S. W., “Meshfree Methods: Progress Made after 20 Years,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 143(4), pp. 04017001, 2017.
  36. Wei, H., Chen, J. S., Wang, H. P., and Carlson, B. E., “Thermomechanical numerical analysis of hot cracking during laser welding of 6XXX aluminum alloys,” Journal of Laser Applications, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2016.
  37. Wei, H., Chen, J. S., and Hillman, M., “A Stabilized Nodally Integrated Meshfree Formulation for Fully Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Fluid-Saturated Porous Media”, Computers and Fluids, Vol. 141, pp. 105–115, 2016.
  38. Hillman, M., Chen, J. S., “An Accelerated, Convergent and Stable Nodal Integration in Galerkin Meshfree Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 107, pp. 603–630, 2016.
  39. Lin, S. P., Chen, J. S., and Liang, S., “A Damage Analysis for Brittle Materials Using Stochastic Micro-Structural Information”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 57, pp. 371–385, 2016.
  40. Liu, W. K., Fish, J. Chen, J. S., Camanho, P. P., “Preface: Connecting Multiscale Mechanics to Complex Material Design”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 57, pp. 355-357, 2016.
  41. Roth, M. J., Chen, J. S., Danielson, K. D., Slawson, T. R., “Hydrodynamic Meshfree Method for High-Rate Solid Dynamics using a Rankine-Hugoniot Enhancement in a Riemann-SCNI Framework”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 108, pp. 1525–1549, 2016.
  42. Roth, M. J., Chen, J. S., Slawson, T. R., Danielson, K. D., “Stable and Flux-Conserved Meshfree Formulation to Model Shocks,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 57, pp. 773–792, 2016.
  43. Hillman, M. Chen, J. S., “Nodally Integrated Implicit Gradient Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Convection Dominated Problems,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 299, pp. 381–400, 2016.
  44. Chen, J. S., Basava, R. R., Zhang, Y., Csapo, R. Malis, V., Sinha, U., Hodgson, J., and Sinha, S., “Pixel Based Meshfree Modeling of Skeletal Muscles,” Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Vol. 4(2), pp. 73-85, 2016.
  45. Valizadeha, N., Bazilevsb, Y., Chen, J. S., Rabczuka, T., “A coupled IGA–Meshfree discretization of arbitrary order of accuracy and without global geometry parameterization,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 293, pp. 20–37, 2015.
  46. Sherburn, J. A., Roth, M. J., Chen, J. S., Hillman, M., “Modeling of Concrete Slab Perforation Using a Reproducing Kernel Particle Impact and Penetration Formulation,” Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 86, pp. 96-110, 2015.
  47. Hillman, M., Chen, J. S., and Bazilevs, Y., “Variationally Consistent Domain Integration for Isogeometric Analysis,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 284, pp. 521-540, 2015.
  48. Chen, J. S., Marodon, C. and Hu, H. Y., “Model Order Reduction for Meshfree Solution of Poisson Singularity Problems,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 102, pp. 1211–1237, 2015.
  49. Chi, S. W., Lee, C. H., Chen, J. S., Guan, P. C., “A Level Set Enhanced Natural Kernel Contact Algorithm for Impact and Penetration Modeling,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 102, pp. 839–866, 2015.
  50. Hillman, M., Chen, J. S., and Chi, S. W., “Stabilized and Variationally Consistent Nodal Integration for Meshfree Modeling of Impact Problems,” Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 1, pp. 245–256, 2014.
  51. Wang, H. P., Wu, C. T., Chen, J. S., “A reproducing kernel smooth contact formulation for metal forming simulations,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 54, pp. 151–169, 2014.
  52. Aggarwal A., Chen, J. S., and Klug, W. S., “A Meshfree Method for Mechanics and Conformational Change of Proteins and Their Assemblies,” Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, Vol.98, pp.69-99, 2014.
  53. Chi, S., Chen, J. S., and Hu, H. Y., “A Weighted Collocation on the Strong Form with Mixed Radial Basis Approximations for Incompressible Linear Elasticity,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 53, pp. 309–324, 2014.
  54. Boyce B. L. S. L. B. Kramer, H. E. Fang, T. E. Cordova, M. K. Neilsen, K. Dion, A. K. Kaczmarowski, E. Karasz, L. Xue, A. J. Gross, A. Ghahremaninezhad, K. Ravi-Chandar, S.-P. Lin, S.-W. Chi, J. S. Chen, E. Yreux, M. Rüter, D. Qian, Z. Zhou, S. Bhamare, D. T. O’Connor, S. Tang, K. I. Elkhodary, J. Zhao, J. D. Hochhalter, A. R. Cerrone, A. R. Ingraffea, P. A. Wawrzynek, B. J. Carter, J. M. Emery, M. G. Veilleux, P. Yang, Y. Gan, X. Zhang, Z. Chen, E. Madenci, B. Kilic, T. Zhang, E. Fang, P. Liu, J. Lua, K. Nahshon, M. Miraglia, J. Cruce, R. DeFrese, E. T. Moyer, S. Brinckmann, L. Quinkert, K. Pack, M. Luo, T. Wierzbicki, “The Sandia Fracture Challenge: blind round robin predictions of ductile tearing,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 186, pp. 5–68, 2014.
  55. Lee, C.H., Chen, J.S., “RBF-POD reduced-order modeling of DNA molecules under stretching and bending,” Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 6, No. 4, 395-409, 2013.
  56. Lee, C. H., Chen, J. S., “POD-Based Model Order Reduction for Molecular Dynamics Systems,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 96, pp. 599-627, 2013.
  57. Chen, J. S., Hillman, M., Rüter, M., “An Arbitrary Order Variationally Consistent Integration Method for Galerkin Meshfree Methods,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 95, pp. 387–418, 2013.
  58. Chi, S. W., Chen, J. S., Hu, H. Y., and Yang, J. P., “A Gradient Reproducing Kernel Collocation Method for Boundary Value problems,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 93, pp. 1381–1402, 2013.
  59. Ruter, M., Hillman, M., Chen, J. S., “Corrected Stabilized Non-conforming Nodal Integration in Meshfree Methods,” Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 89, pp. 75-93, 2013.
  60. Chi, S. W., Chen, J. S., Hu, H. Y., Luo, H. Wang, L., “Dispersion and Stability Properties of Radial Basis Collocation Method for Elastodynamics,” Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 29, pp. 818-842, 2013.
  61. Wu, C. T., Hu, W., Chen, J. S., “A meshfree-enriched finite element method for compressible and near-incompressible elasticity,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 90, pp. 882-914, 2012.
  62. Elmer, W., Chen, J. S., Puso, M., Taciroglu, E., “A Stable, Meshfree, Nodal Integration Method for Nearly Incompressible Solids,” Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol. 51, pp. 81-85, 2012.
  63. Hodgson, J. A., Chi, S. H., Yang, J. P., Chen, J. S., Edgerton, V. R., Sinha, S., “Finite Element Modeling of Passive Material Influence on the Deformation and Force Output of Skeletal Muscle,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 9, pp. 163–183, 2012.
  64. Ju, J. W., Yuan, K. Y., Kuo, A. W., Chen, J. S., "Novel Strain Energy Based Coupled Elastoplastic Damage and Healing Models for Geomaterials – Part II: Computational Aspects," International Journal of damage Mechanics, Vol. 21, pp. 551-576, 2012.
  65. Chen, J. S., Chi, S. W., Hu, H. Y., “Recent Developments in Stabilized Galerkin and Collocation Meshfree Methods”, Journal of Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 18, pp. 3-21, 2011.
  66. Teng, H., Lee, C. H., Chen, J. S., “On the Continuum Formulation for Modeling DNA Loop Formation,” International Journal of Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 4, pp. 219-239, 2011.
  67. Guan, C., Chi, S. W., Chen, J. S., Slawson, T. R., Roth, M. J., “Semi-Lagrangian Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Fragment-Impact Problems,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 38, 1033-1047, 2011.
  68. Hu. H. Y., Chen, J. S., and Hu, W., “Error Analysis of Collocation Method Based on Reproducing Kernel Approximation,” Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 27, pp.554-580, 2011.
  69. Ren, X., Chen, J. S., Li, J., Slawson, T. R., Roth, M. J., “Micro-cracks Informed Damage Models for Brittle Solids,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 48, 1560–1571, 2011.
  70. Hu, H. Y., Chen, J. S., Chi, S. W., “Perturbation and Stability Analysis of Strong Form Collocation with Reproducing Kernel Approximation”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 88, pp. 157-179, 2011.
  71. Wu, C. T. Park, C. K., Chen, J. S. Chen, “A generalized approximation for the meshfree analysis of solids,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 85, pp. 693-722, 2011.
  72. Luo, H. Z., Chen, J. S., Hu, H. S., Huang, X. C., “Stability of Radial Basis Collocation Method for Transient Dynamics,” Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.), Vol. 15 (5), pp. 615-621, 2010.
  73. Chen, J. S. and Hu W., “Multiscale Method for Quantum Mechanics,” Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vo1. 23, pp. 1-11, 2010.
  74. Chi, S. W., Hodgson, J., Chen, J. S., Edgerton, V. R., Shin, D. D., Roiz, R., Sinha, S., "Finite Element Modeling Reveals Complex Strain Mechanics in the Aponeuroses of Contracting Skeletal Muscle," Journal of Bio-Mechanics, Vol. 43, pp. 1243-1250, 2010.
  75. Wang, L., Chen, J. S., and Hu, H. Y., “Subdomain Radial Basis Collocation Method for Fracture Mechanics,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 83, pp. 851–876, 2010.
  76. Mehraeen, S., Chen, J. S., Hu, W., "An Iterative Asymptotic Expansion Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems with Oscillating Coefficients," Computational Mechanics, Vol. 46, pp. 349–361, 2010.
  77. Wang, L. Chen, J. S., Hu, H. Y., "Radial Basis Collocation Method for Dynamic Analysis of the Axially Moving Beam", Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 333-352, 2009.
  78. Chen, J. S., Wang, L., Hu, H. Y., and Chi, S. W., “Subdomain Radial Basis Collocation Method for Heterogeneous Media,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 80, pp. 163-190, 2009.
  79. Hu, H.Y., Lai, C. K., and Chen, J. S., "A Study on Convergence and Complexity of Reproducing Kernel Collocation Method," Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 2, pp 295-319, 2009.
  80. Guan, P., Chen, J. S., Wu, Y., Teng, H., Gaidos, J. Hofstetter, K. Alsaleh, M. "A Semi-Lagrangian Reproducing Kernel Formulation for Modeling Earth Moving Operations," Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 41, pp. 670-683, 2009.
  81. Bobaru, F., Chen, J.S. and Turner, J.A., “Advances in Granular Materials,” Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 41, pp. 635-636, 2009.
  82. Shantanu Sinha, Sheng-Wei Chi, Jiun-Shyan Chen, John A Hodgson, David Shin, Reginald V Edgerton, “A model-based mechanical rationale for mixed strains in the aponeuroses of contracting muscle,” The FASEB Journal, 2009.
  83. Sinha, S., Shin, D., Hodgson, J, Chi, S. W., Chen, J. S., Edgerton, R. V., “Non-uniform inter-and intra-fiber strain observed in MRI studies of contracting medial gastrocnemius,” The FASEB Journal, 2009.
  84. Aoyagi, Y., Hasebe, T., Guan, P. C., Chen, J. S., “Reproducing Kernel Based Evaluation of Incompatibility Tensor in Field Theory of Plasticity,” Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 1, No. 4., pp. 423-436, 2008.
  85. Zhang, Z., Noguchi, H., Chen, J. S., “Moving Least-squares Approximation with Discontinuous Derivative Basis Functions for Shell Structures with Slope Discontinuities”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 76, pp. 1202-1230, 2008.
  86. Wang, D. and Chen, J. S., “A Hermite Reproducing Kernel Approximation for Thin Plate Analysis with Sub-domain Stabilized Conforming Integration,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 74, pp. 368–390, 2008.
  87. Hu, H. Y. and Chen, J. S., “Radial basis collocation method and quasi-Newton iteration for nonlinear elliptic problems,” Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 24, pp. 991-1017, 2008.
  88. Puso, M. Chen, J. S., Zywick, E., Elmer, W., “Meshfree and Finite Element Nodal Integration Methods,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 74, pp. 416–446, 2008.
  89. Zhang, X., Chen, J. S., and Osher, S., “A Multiple Level Set Method for Modeling Grain Boundary Evolution of Polycrystalline Materials,” Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 178-191, 2008.
  90. Feng, X. Jiang, H., Huang, Y., Liu, B. and Chen, J. S., “Modeling Fracture in Carbon Nanotubes Using a Meshless Atomic-Scale Finite-Element Method,” JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Vol. 60, pp. 50-55, 2008.
  91. Chen, J. S., Hu, W., Hu, H. Y., “Reproducing Kernel Enhanced Local Radial Basis Collocation Method,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 75, pp. 600-627, 2008.
  92. To, A. C., Liu, W. K., Olson, G. B., Belytschko, T., Chen, W., Shephard, M. S., Chung, Y. W., Ghanem, R., Voorhees, P. W., Seidman, D. N., Wolverton, C., Chen , J. S., Moran , B., Freeman, A. J., Tian, R., Luo, X., Lautenschlager, E., Challoner, A. D., "Materials Integrity in Microsystems: A Framework for a Petascale Predictive-science-based Multiscale Modeling and Simulation System," Computational Mechanics, Vol. 42, pp. 485-510, 2008
  93. Hu, W. and Chen, J. S., “Multiscale Method for Quantum Mechanics,” Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 65, pp. 121-141, 2008.
  94. Chen, J. S., Hu, W., Puso, M., “Orbital HP-Cloud for Schrödinger Equation in Quantum Mechanics,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 196, pp. 3693-3705, 2007.
  95. Hu, H. Y., Chen, J. S., and Hu, W., “Weighted Radial Basis Collocation Method for Boundary Value Problems,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 69, pp. 2736-2757, 2007.
  96. Chen, J. S., Teng, H., and Nakano, A., “Wavelet Based Multi-Scale Coarse Graining Approach for DNA Molecules,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 43, pp. 246-260, 2007.
  97. Chen, J. S., Hu, W., Puso, M., Wu, Y., Zhang, X., “Strain Smoothing for Stabilization and Regularization of Galerkin Meshfree Method,” Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 57, pp. 57-76, 2006.
  98. Puso, M., Zywicz, E., Chen, J. S., “A New Stabilized Nodal Integration Approach,” in Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 57, pp. 207 - 218, 2006.
  99. Wang, D., Chen, J.S., “A Locking-free Meshfree Curved Beam Formulation with the Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 39, pp. 83-90, 2006.
  100. Tae-Yeol Lee, J.S. Chen, “Modeling of Grain Growth Using Voronoi Discretization and Natural Neighbour Interpolants,” International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 475-484, 2006.
  101. Chen, J. S. and Wang, D. D., "A Constrained Reproducing Kernel Particle Formulation for Shear Deformable Shell in Cartesian Coordinate" International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 68, pp. 151-172, 2006.
  102. Zhang, X., Mehraeen, S., Chen, J. S., and Ghoniem, N., “Multiscale Total Lagrangian Formulation for Modeling Dislocation-Induced Plastic Deformation in Polycrystalline Materials,” International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 29-46, 2006.
  103. Mehraeen, S., and Chen, J. S., “Wavelet Galerkin Method in Multiscale Homogenization of Heterogeneous Materials,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 66, pp. 381-404, 2006.
  104. Yin, H.M., Sun, L.Z., and Chen, J.S., “Magneto-elastic modeling of composites containing chain-structured magnetostrictive particles,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54, pp. 975-1003, 2006.
  105. Wang, D., Dong, S. B., and Chen, J. S., “Extended Meshfree Analysis of Transverse and Inplane Loading of a Laminated Anisotropic Plate of General Planform Geometry,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 43, pp. 144-171, 2006.
  106. Kim, Y., Swan, C. C., and Chen, J. S., “Performance of Parallel Conjugate Gradient Solvers in Meshfree Analysis of Nonlinear Continua,” in press, Computational Mechanics, 2005.
  107. Chen, J. S., Wang, D., “Extended Meshfree Method for Elastic and Inelastic Media,” Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 43, pp. 17-38, 2005.
  108. Chen, J. S. and Mehraeen, S. “Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous materials with fixed and evolving microstructures,” Modeling and Simulation of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 13, pp. 95-121, 2005.
  109. Sze, K. Y., Chen, J. S., Sheng, N., and Liu, X. H., “Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration: Exactness and Variational Justification,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 41, pp. 147-171, 2004.
  110. Chen, J. S. and Liu, W. K., “Meshfree Methods: Recent Advances and New Applications,” Computer Methods in Applied mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 3-6, 2004.
  111. Chen, J. S. and Mehraeen, S., “Variationally Consistent Multi-scale Modeling and Homogenization of Stressed Grain Growth,” Computer Methods in Applied mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 1825-1848, 2004.
  112. Mehraeen, S. and Chen, J. S., “Wavelet-based Multi-scale Projection Method in Homogenization of Heterogeneous Media,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 40, pp. 1665- 1679, 2004.
  113. Chen, J. S., Wang D. D., and Dong, S. B., “An Extended Meshfree Method for Boundary Value Problems,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vo. 193, pp. 1085-1103, 2004.
  114. Wang D. and Chen, J. S., “Locking Free Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration for Meshfree Mindlin-Reissner Plate Formulation,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 1065-1083, 2004.
  115. Chen, J. S., Kotta, V. Lu, H., Wang, D., Moldovan, D., Wolf, D., “A Variational Formulation and a Double-grid Method for Meso-scale Modeling of Stressed Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 1277-1303, 2004.
  116. Chen, J. S., Zhang, X., and Belytschko, T., “An Implicit Gradient Model by a Reproducing Kernel Strain Regularization in Strain Localization Problems,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 2827-2844, 2004.
  117. Yoo, J. W., Moran, B., Chen, J. S., “Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration in the Natural-Element Method,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 60, pp. 861-890, 2004.
  118. Chen, J. S. and Liu, W. K., "Meshfree Methods: Recent Advances and New Applications," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp. 3-6, 2004.
  119. You, Y., Chen, J. S., Lu, H., “Filter, Reproducing Kernel, and Adaptive Meshfree Methods,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 31, pp. 316-326, 2003.
  120. Zhang, H.W., Zhang X.W. and Chen, J.S., “A New Algorithm for Numerical Solution of Dynamic Elastic–plastic Hardening and Softening Problems,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 81, pp. 1739-1749, 2003.
  121. Wang, D., Chen, J. S., Sun, L., “Homogenization of Magnetostrictive Particle-Filled Elastomers Using An Interface-enriched Reproducing Kernel Particle Method,” Journal of Finite Element Analysis and Design, Vol. 39(8), pp. 765-782, 2003.
  122. Chandran, K. B., Mun, J. S., Choi, K. K., Chen, J. S., Hamilton, A., Nagaraj, A., McPherson, D. D., “A method for in-vivo analysis for regional arterial wall material property alterations with atherosclerosis: Preliminary results,” Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 289-298, 2003.
  123. Chen, J. S., Han, W., You, Y., Meng, X., “A Reproducing Kernel Method with Nodal Interpolation Property,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 56, pp. 935-960, 2003.
  124. Lu, H. and Chen, J. S., “Adaptive Meshfree Particle Method,” Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, pp. 251-267, 2002.
  125. Yin, H. M., Sun. L. and Chen, J. S., "Micromechanics-based Hyperelastic Constitutive Modeling of Magnetostrictive Particle-filled Elastomers," Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 34, pp. 505-516, 2002.
  126. Grindeanu, I., Kim, N. H., Choi, K. K. and Chen, J. S., “CAD-Based Shape Optimization Using a Meshfree Method,” Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Vol. 10, pp. 55-66, 2002.
  127. Yoon, S. and Chen, J. S., “Accelerated Meshfree Method for Metal Forming Simulation,” Journal of Finite Element Analysis and Design, Vol. 38, pp. 937-948, 2002.
  128. You, Y., Chen, J. S., and Voth, T., “Characteristics of Semi- and Full Discretizations of Stabilized Galerkin Meshfree Method,” Journal of Finite Element Analysis and Design, Vol. 38, pp. 999-1012, 2002.
  129. Chen, J. S., Yoon, S., and Wu, C. T., “Nonlinear Version of Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration for Galerkin Meshfree Methods,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 53, pp. 2587-2615, 2002.
  130. Kim, N. H., Choi, K. K., Chen, J. S., and Botkin, M., “Meshfree Analysis and Design Sensitivity Analysis of the Shell Structures,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 53, pp. 2087-2116, 2002.
  131. Chandran, K. B., Mun, J. S., Chen, J. S., Nagaraj, A., and McPherson, D. D., “Effect of Residual Stress on Femoral Arterial Stress-Strain Relation,” KSME International Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 965-973, 2001.
  132. Yoon, S., Wu, C. T., Wang, H. P., and Chen, J. S., “Efficient Meshfree Formulation for Metal Forming Simulation,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 123, pp. 462-467, 2001.
  133. Kim, N. H., Choi, K. K., and Chen, J. S., “Structural Optimization of Finite Deformation Elastoplasticity using Continuum-Based Design Sensitivity Formulation,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 79, pp. 1959-1976, 2001.
  134. Chen, J. S., Wu, T. C., Chi, L. C., and Huck, F., “A Lagrangian Meshfree Formulation for Geotechnical Materials,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 127, pp. 440-449, 2001.
  135. Chen, J. S., Wu, C. T., Yoon, S., and You, Y., “A Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration for Galerkin Meshfree Methods,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 435-466, 2001.
  136. Kim, N. H., Choi, K. K., and Chen, J. S., “Die Shape Design of Sheet Metal Stamping Process Using Meshfree Method: Design Sensitivity Analysis,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 51, pp. 1385-1405, 2001.
  137. Kim, N. H., Choi, K.K., and Chen, J. S., “Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Elasto-Plasticity with Frictional Contact,” AIAA, Vol. 38, pp. 1742-1753, 2000.
  138. Chen, J. S., Yoon, S., Wang, H. P., Liu, W. K., “An Improved Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Nearly Incompressible Hyperelastic Solids,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 181, No. 1-3, pp. 117-145, 2000.
  139. Chen, J. S. and Wang, H. P., “New Boundary Condition Treatments for Meshless Computation of Contact Problems,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 187, pp. 441-468, 2000.
  140. Chen, J. S. and Wu, C. T., Belytschko, T., “Regularization of Material Instabilities by Meshfree Approximation with Intrinsic Length Scales,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 47, pp. 1303-1322, 2000.
  141. Chen, J. S. and Wang, H. P., “Some Recent Improvements in Meshfree Methods for Incompressible Finite Elasticity Boundary Value Problems with Contact,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 25, pp. 137-156, 2000.
  142. Kim, N. H., Choi, K. K., and Chen, J. S., “Meshless Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization for Contact Problem with Friction,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 25, pp. 157-168, 2000.
  143. Chen, J. S. and Liu, W. K., “Meshfree Particle Methods,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 25, 100-101, 2000.
  144. Grindeanu, I., Choi, K. K., and Chen, J. S., “Shape Optimization of Hyperelastic Structures Using a Meshless Method,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 990-1016, 1999.
  145. Hardee, E., Chang, K. H., Yoon, S., Kaneko, M, Grindeanu, I., and Chen, J. S., “A Structural Nonlinear Analysis Workspace (SNAW) Based on Meshless Methods,” Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 30, pp. 153-175, 1999.
  146. Chen, J. S., Pan, C., Roque, C. M. O. L., and Wang, H. P., “A Lagrangian Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Metal Forming Analysis,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 22, pp. 289-307, 1998.
  147. Chen, J. S., Roque, C. M. O. L., Pan, C., and Button, S. T., “Analysis of Metal Forming Process Based on Meshless Method,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 80-81, pp. 642-646, 1998.
  148. Chen, J. S., Wu, C. T., and Pan, C., "Application of Reproducing Kernel Particle Method to Large Deformation and Contact Analysis of Elastomers," Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 71, pp. 191-213, 1998.
  149. Grindeanu, I., Chang, K. H., Choi, K. K., and Chen, J. S., “Design Sensitivity Analysis for Hyperelastic Structures Using a Meshless Method,” AIAA J., Vol. 36, pp. 618-627, 1998.
  150. Chen, J. S., and Wu, C. T., "On Computational Issues in Large Deformation Analysis of Rubber Bushings," Mechanics of Structures and Machines, Vol. 25 (3), pp. 287-309, 1997.
  151. Chen, J. S., Han, W., Wu, C. T., and W. Duan, "On the Perturbed Lagrangian Formulation for Nearly Incompressible and Incompressible Hyperelasticity," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 142, pp. 335-351, 1997.
  152. Chen, J. S., Pan, C., and Wu, C. T., "Large Deformation Analysis of Rubber Based on a Reproducing Kernel Particle Method," Computational Mechanics, Vol. 19, pp. 211-227, 1997.
  153. Chen, J. S., Pan, C., Wu, C. T., and Liu, W. K., "Reproducing Kernel Particle Methods for Large Deformation Analysis of Nonlinear Structures," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 139, pp. 195-227, 1996.
  154. Chen, J. S. and Pan, C., "A Pressure Projection Method for Nearly Incompressible Rubber Hyperelasticity, Part I: Theory," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 63, pp.862-868, 1996.
  155. Chen, J. S., Wu, C. T., and Pan, C., "A Pressure Projection Method for Nearly Incompressible Rubber Hyperelasticity, Part II : Applications," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 63, pp. 869-876, 1996.
  156. Liu, W. K., Chen, Y., Jun, S. Chen, J. S., Belytschko, T., Pan, C., Uras, R. A., and Chang, C. T., "Overview and Applications of the Reproducing Kernel Particle Methods," Archives in Computational Methods in Engineering State of the Art Review, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 3-80, 1996.
  157. Chen, J. S., Pan, C. and Chang, T. Y. P., “On the Control of Pressure Oscillation in Bilinear- Displacement Constant-Pressure Element,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 128, pp. 137-152, 1995.
  158. Chen, J. S., Satyamurthy, K. and Hirschfelt, L. R., “Consistent Finite Element Procedures for Nonlinear Rubber Elasticity with Higher Order Strain Energy Density Function,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 50, pp. 715-727, 1994.
  159. Liu, W. K., Chen J. S., Belytschko, B. and Zhang, Y. F., “Adaptive ALE Finite Elements with Particular Reference to External Work Rate on Frictional Interface,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 93, pp. 189-216, 1991.
  160. Liu, W. K., Lu, Y. Y. and Chen, J. S., “Probabilistic and Reliability Analysis of a Structure-Acoustic System,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 137, pp. 83-105, 1990.
  161. Liu, W. K., Chang, H., Chen, J. S. and Belytschko, T., “Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Petrov-Galerkin Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 68, No.3, pp. 259-310, 1988.
  162. Liu, W. K., Belytschko, T. and Chen, J. S., “Nonlinear Versions of Flexurally Superconvergent Elements,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. 241-258, 1988.


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