Stephanie I. Fraley

Faculty, Bioengineering

3D matrix systems biology, digital PCR, machine learning, Raman spectroscopy, infectious disease, cancer

Research to understand the multi-scale physical and molecular contexts that drive complex cell behaviors in cancer and sepsis. Her studies aim to improve our understanding of immune modulated disease progression and develop new technologies for disease detection and personalized interventions.

Capsule Bio:

Dr. Fraley joined the Jacobs School of Engineering in July 2014 as an assistant professor of Bioengineering at UC San Diego. She earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2006 from The University of Tennessee Chattanooga and earned her Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering in 2011 from The Johns Hopkins University where she was mentored by Dr. Denis Wirtz and Dr. Gregory Longmore of Washington University. Dr. Fraley was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, National Tau Beta Pi Fellowship, and was an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Scholar, Johns Hopkins Heath Fellow, and National Siebel Scholar. She also served as an ASEE/NSF Engineering Innovations Fellow at Becton Dickinson Technologies, helping to further develop a rapid cell identification technology. Dr. Fraley then joined the Emergency Medicine and Biomedical Engineering departments at The Johns Hopkins University as a postdoctoral fellow under the mentorship of Dr. Samuel Yang and Dr. Jeff Wang where she developed novel molecular and technological approaches to diagnose bacteremia.  In 2013, Dr. Fraley received a National Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award at the Scientific Interface for her research merging clinical diagnostic and basic research approaches to understand drivers of cancer metastasis and sepsis.


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