Faculty Profiles

Andrew B. Kahng
Kahng, Andrew
Distinguished Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Kahng is an expert on the physical design of Very Large Scale Integrated circuits (VLSI), along with the VLSI design-manufacturing interface, the application of AI and machine learning to chip design, and the technology roadmap for semiconductors and semiconductor-based design.
Photo of David Kamensky
Kamensky, David
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Computational mechanics
Photo of Daniel Kane
Kane, Daniel
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Mathematics, theoretical computer science, combinatorics, number theory, derandomization, Boolean functions
Photo of Mingu Kang
Kang, Mingu
Faculty, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Digital and analog Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) circuit, architecture, and system for machine learning and signal processing algorithms based on emerging computing paradigms
Photo of Boubacar Kante
Experimental and Theoretical Electromagnetic Materials from Microwaves to Optics for Novel Devices with Applications in Energy, Defense, and Health Systems.
Photo of Sidney Karin
Karin, Sidney
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Computational science and engineering, high-performance computing, data-intensive computing, scientific visualization and interaction environments, computer and network security, networking.
Photo of Ryan Kastner
Kastner, Ryan
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Hardware Acceleration; Hardware Security; Remote Sensing; Embedded Systems; Ecological Monitoring
Reem Khojah
Khojah, Reem
Assistant Teaching Professor, Bioengineering
Drug discovery; drug resistance; micro-robots; mini organs
Photo of Pradeep Khosla
Internet-enabled collaborative design, collaborating autonomous systems, agent-based architectures for distributed design and embedded control, software composition and reconfigurable software for real-time embedded systems, reconfigurable and distributed robotic systems, integrated design-assembly planning systems and distributed information systems
Photo of H Alicia Kim
Kim, H Alicia
Professor, Structural Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Director, The Center for Dreams
Structural and topology optimization, multidisciplinary design optimization, multiscale and multiphysics optimization of structures and materials, optimization with uncertainties, aerospace structures, computational mechanics.

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