Faculty Profiles

Photo of Tzu Mao Li
Li, Tzu Mao
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer graphics, image processing algorithms, data science
Wanlu Li headshot
Li, Wanlu
Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Electronic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Computational Catalysis, Molecular Dynamics, Interface Reactions, Machine Learning
Yanran Li
Li, Yanran
Associate Professor, NanoEngineering
Synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, plant metabolism, chemical biology
Bill Lin UC San Diego electrical engineering professor
Lin, Bill
Professor/Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Calit2
Novel embedded system and VLSI architectures for communications and networking applications.
Photo of Paul F. Linden
Linden, Paul
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Experimental and theoretical study of dynamic flows, and environmental engineering.
Photo of Stephanie Lindsey
Lindsey, Stephanie
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Fluid mechanics, numerical analysis, cradiovascular development biology
Photo of Darren Lipomi
Lipomi, Darren
Professor, NanoEngineering
Associate Dean for Students, Jacobs School of Engineering
Mechanically compliant organic electronic materials and devices, including stretchable polymer-based solar cells and skin-like sensors, and unconventional, green approaches to nanomanufacturing.
Photo of Ping Liu
Liu, Ping
Professor, Aiiso Yufeng Li Family Department of Chemical and Nano Engineering
Materials and architectures for energy conversion and storage; solid-state actuation; nanomaterials synthesis and reaction mechanism in batteries; energy storage device architecture design. 
Portrait of Qipeng Liu
Liu, Qipeng
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Quantum computing, quantum information, cryptography
Photo of Zhaowei Liu
Liu, Zhaowei
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Development of novel nanofabrication techniques and bio-photonics, as well as research of high speed and high spatial resolution bioimaging and sensing, and light control at nanoscale using plasmonic structures

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