Faculty Profiles

Photo of Stefan Llewellyn Smith
Llewellyn Smith, Stefan
Professor and Department Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Fluid dynamics and environmental engineering.
Photo of Yu-Hwa Lo
Lo, Yu-Hwa
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Lo’s research interests are biomedical devices and systems, bioelectronics, microfluidics, nanophotonics, and semiconductor nanoscaled devices.
Chin Hsiung
Loh, Chin Hsiung
Visit Professor, Structural Engineering
Adjunct Professor (National Taiwan University), Since Aug. 2020 Visiting Professor (University of California at San Diego), Aug. 2018 - Jan 2020 Professor emeritus (National Taiwan University), Since Aug. 2018
Portrait of professor Ken Lot
Loh, Kenneth
Professor, Structural Engineering
 Human performance monitoring, structural health monitoring, human-structure interactions, multifunctional materials, nanocomposites, soft materials, tomographic methods, wearable technology.
Photo of Vitaliy Lomakin
Lomakin, Vitaliy
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty, CMRR
Theoretical and computational electromagnetics, including analytical models for studying electromagnetic phenomena occurring in complex structures, fast and robust numerical methods for calculating electromagnetic fields in complex environments, and applications of these analytical and numerical methods to the analysis and design of electromagnetic devices and systems.
Photo of Shachar Lovett
Lovett, Shachar
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computational complexity, coding theory, randomness and pseudo-randomness, explicit constructions
Haiwen Luan
Luan, Haiwen
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Mechanics guided assembly of 3D mesoscale structures; Bio-integrated electronics and microfluidics; Mechanics of programmable material systems.
Photo of Marko Lubarda
Lubarda, Marko
Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Educational research, engineering pedagogy, curriculum design, computational micromagnetics, device physics, materials science, solid mechanics, computer-aided design.
Photo of Vlado A. Lubarda
Lubarda, Vlado
Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Senior Teaching Professor, NanoEngineering
Computational and theoretical analysis of solids, specifically solid mechanics.
Photo of Andrew Lucas
Lucas, Andrew
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Biogeochemical/Physical control of phytoplankton productivity and community structure; internal waves; submesoscale physical dynamics; air/sea interactions; physical/biological interactions; autonomous vehicle development;low power wave and ocean current energy generation

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