Faculty Profiles

Photo of Machel Morrison
Morrison, Machel
Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering
Seismic safety, materials science, solid mechanics.
Photo of Niema Moshiri
Moshiri, Niema
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Massive Adaptive Interactive Texts, open computational problems in HIV epidemiology
Photo of Gilberto Mosqueda
Mosqueda, Gilberto
Professor, Structural Engineering
Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
Earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, seismic isolation and energy dissipation systems, seismic response of structural and nonstructural building systems, experimental methods including hybrid simulation.
Jennifer Mullin
Mullin, Jennifer
Associate Professor of Teaching, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Faculty Director, Experience Engineering (E4)
Engineering education and experiential learning
Photo of Hidenori Murakami
Murakami, Hidenori
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Computational modeling and analysis of heterogeneous materials, including composites, for aerospace, civil and biological applications, and tensegrity structures
Parinaz Naghizadeh
Naghizadeh, Parinaz
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Network economics, game theory, ethics and economics of AI, optimization, reinforcement learning, economics of cyber security
Photo of Farrokh Najmabadi
Najmabadi, Farrokh
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fusion energy research and development of new techniques to study laser-materials interactions.
Photo of Ndapandula Nakashole
Nakashole, Ndapandula
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Natural language processing, machine learning and data mining
Abdoulaye Ndao headshot
Ndao, Abdoulaye
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nanophotonics, integrated optics, nanomaterial/structure design, bio photonics
Photo of Vitali Nesterenko
Nesterenko, Vitali
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Strongly nonlinear wave dynamics of strongly nonlinear low dimensional metamaterials. Development of new experimental capabilities for dynamic testing. Physics and mechanics of shock and high strain, strain rate deformation, instability and fragmentation of heterogeneous solid materials. High energy processing of advanced materials and devices.

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