Faculty Profiles

Photo of Alon Orlitsky
Orlitsky, Alon
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty, Computer Science & Engineering
Communications and information theory, with particular interests in signal processing, data compression, speech recognition and learning theory.
Portrait of Amy Ousterhout
Ousterhout, Amy
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Operating systems and networks
Photo of Roberto Padovani
Padovani, Roberto
Faculty-Affiliate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Communication networks with emphasis on wireless communications.
Photo of Piya Pal
Pal, Piya
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
High Dimensional Statistical Signal Processing and Data Analysis, Energy Efficient Sketching and Sampling For Statistical Inference, Compressive Sensing and Sparse Estimation, Tensor Methods, Convex and Non-Convex Optimization, Optical Signal Processing and High Resolution Imaging, Statistical Learning. 
Alessandro Palermo
Palermo, Alessandro
Professor, Structural Engineering
Structural engineering, bridge engineering, timber engineering, novel cementitious materials, non-metal reinforcement, digital fabrication  
Photo of Bernhard O. Palsson
Palsson, Bernhard
Professor, Bioengineering
We study the complexity of cellular life using experimental and computational methods that span the genome to the phenotype.
Photo of Patrick Pannuto
Pannuto, Patrick
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Photo of Yannis Papakonstantinou
Papakonstantinou, Yannis
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Database systems and Internet technologies, and specifically data integration applications that require search, querying and interaction with the information of multiple distributed sources, such as multiple Web sites.
Photo of George Papen
Papen, George
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced photonic systems including optical communication systems, optical networking, and environmental and atmospheric remote sensing.
Photo of Tod Pascal
Pascal, Tod
Associate Professor, NanoEngineering
Theoretical and Computational Spectroscopy, Materials Physics, Electro Chemistry and Nanotechnology

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