Faculty Profiles

Photo of Stojan Radic
Radic, Stojan
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Optical communications, information network infrastructure, optics and photonics
Photo of Ravi Ramamoorthi
Ramamoorthi, Ravi
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Director, Center for Visual Computing
Faculty-Affiliate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Rendering, Visual computing
Photo of Padmini Rangamani
Rangamani, Padmini
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Biological systems design, transport phenomena in biological membranes, influence of cell shape on biological activation of signaling networks, morphological and topological changes to lipid membranes mediated by proteins and cytoskeletal forces, computational biology and biophysics.
Photo of Bhaskar Rao
Rao, Bhaskar
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Digital signal processing, estimation theory, and optimization theory, with applications to digital communications, speech signal processing, and human-computer interactions.
Photo of Ramesh Rao
Rao, Ramesh
Director, Calit2
Faculty, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Architectures, protocols and performance analysis of wireless, wire line and photonic networks for integrated multimedia services
Photo of Gabriel Rebeiz
Rebeiz, Gabriel
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of silicon RFICs for microwave and millimeter-wave systems, phased arrays and low power circuits, active and passive imaging systems, RF MEMS, tunable filters and antennas, collision avoidance systems for automotive applications
Photo of Jeffrey Remmel
Combinatorics, Computer Science, Enumerative and Algebraic Combinatorics, Hybrid Control, Mathematical Logic
Photo of Jose Restrepo
Restrepo, Jose
Professor, Structural Engineering
Seismic design of buildings for improved response during earthquakes.
Photo of Barney Rickett
Rickett, Barnaby
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Radio astronomy, electromagnetic waves, and space science.
Photo of Laurel Riek
Riek, Laurel
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Contextual Robotics Institute
UC San Diego Design Lab
Human Robot Interaction, Healthcare Robotics, Assistive Robotics, Accessibility, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Design

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