Faculty Profiles

Barna Saha computer science professor at UC San Diego
Saha, Barna
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Halicioglu Data Science Institute, UC San Diego
Theoretical Computer Science, Algorithm Design & Analysis, Probabilistic Method and Large Scale Data Analytics
Rajeev Sahay headshot
Sahay, Rajeev
Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Networking, social learning networks, machine learning, wireless communications
Photo of David Saintillan
Saintillan, David
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Microscale flow modeling, biophysical fluid mechanics, complex fluids, electrokinetics, microfluidics. 
Photo of Antonio Sanchez Perez
Sanchez, Antonio
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Reacting and nonreacting flows
Photo of John Sanford
Sanford, John
Professor Of Practice, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Artificial Intelligence, Antenna Design, Filter Design, Array Signal Processing, Self-Organizing Networks, Mass Production Processes, Technology Roadmap Development, M&A Process.
Photo of Sutanu Sarkar
Sarkar, Sutanu
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, environmental flows
Photo of Lawrence Saul
Saul, Lawrence
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Machine learning, pattern recognition, voice processing, auditory computation and methods for high dimensional data analysis.
Stefan Savage computer science professor UC San Diego
Savage, Stefan
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer security issues (especially worms, viruses, intrusion detection and denial-of-service attacks), wide-area and wireless networking, and distributed and/or adaptive computer systems.
Photo of Walter Savitch
Savitch, Walter
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Complexity theory, formal language theory, computational linguistics, and the development of computer science education materials.
Photo of Geert Schmid-Schönbein
Schmid-Schoenbein, Geert
Professor, Bioengineering
Molecular and cellular biomechanics, mechanotransduction and microcirculation. Development of the Autodigestion Theory.  Design of new tools for prevention and treatment of sepsis with multiorgan failure, metabolic syndrome and autism.

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