Faculty Profiles

Photo of Padma K. Shukla
Multidisciplinary sciences including basic and nonlinear physics, nonlinear geophysical flows, atmospheric physics and environmental sciences, soft condensed matter physics and matter wave solitons, high-energy density physics, nonlinear phenomena in quantum systems, plasma astrophysics and neutrinoplasma physics, plasma-based high-energy charged particle acceleration, intense photon-photon and photonplasma interactions, and fusion physics.
Photo of Paul Siegel
Siegel, Paul
Professor, CMRR
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Information theory, coding theory, and communication theory, with applications to digital data storage and transmission.
Photo of Daniel Sievenpiper
Sievenpiper, Daniel
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Novel electromagnetic media including nonlinear and active metasurfaces and other periodic structures for radio through optical frequency applications
Photo of Gabriel Silva
Silva, Gabriel
Professor, Bioengineering
Bioengineering and neuroengineering applications of retinal physiology, visual neuroscience, and ophthalmology, including the interface between cells and micro/nanotechnologies.
Photo of Beth Simon
Computer science education, educational technology, compilers, computer architecture, performance programming, and scientific computing.
Photo of Donald J. Sirbuly
Sirbuly, Donald
Associate Professor, NanoEngineering
Nanophotonic sensors and devices, nanostructured semiconductors for applications in optics, energy conversion, and medicine.
Photo of Benjamin Smarr
Smarr, Benjamin
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
Time series analysis in biological systems, data science
Photo of Larry Smarr
Smarr, Larry
Director/Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Internet, information technology, telecommunications, supercomputing, interdisciplinary research, networking, and the wireless Web.
Photo of Allan Snavely
Allan Snavely is Associate Director at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) both at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Besides running a research lab at SDSC he also serves on the executive committee for the inter-departmental CSME program in computational science, mathematics, and engineering, is the computer science faculty advisor to the Free Clinic Project and shares running CSE294 Largescale Systems Seminar (alternating quarters) with Professor Scott Baden of CSE.
Photo of Alex Snoeren
Snoeren, Alex
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer systems, including operating systems and networking, and particularly protocols to support secure and robust wide-area mobile computing.

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