Faculty Profiles

Portrait of Michael Coblenz
Coblenz, Michael
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Programming languages
Photo of Carlos Coimbra
Coimbra, Carlos
Professor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Center for Energy Research
Heat and mass transfer, stochastic modeling and forecasting, variable order methods, longwave and shortwave radiation, cloud physics; concentrated solar power.
Photo of Todd Prentice Coleman
Coleman, Todd
Adjunct Professor, Bioengineering
Information theory, neuroscience, machine learning, bioelectronics
Photo of William A. Coles
Coles, William
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Radio science/engineering, particularly the propagation of radio waves through turbulent media, with applications to solar wind physics and to radio astronomy in general.
Photo of Anne Hoger
Conn, Anne
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Continuum mechanics and its application to biological tissues.
Photo of Joel Conte
Conte, Joel
Distinguished Professor, Structural Engineering
Structural Analysis and Dynamics, Structural Reliability and Risk Analysis, Earthquake Engineering, Damage Diagnosis and Prognosis for Civil Structures.
Photo of Francisco Contijoch
Contijoch, Francisco
Associate Professor, Bioengineering
Translational cardiovascular imaging techniques for advanced assessment of cardiovascular physiology and disease
Photo of Jorge Cortes
Cortes, Jorge
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Systems and control, sensor networks, game theory, adversarial networks, cooperative robotics, and geometric mechanics
Photo of Pamela Cosman
Cosman, Pamela
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Image and video compression for transmission over wireless, Internet or other telecommunications networks, image and video processing, computer vision, video quality evaluation.
Photo of Garrison W. Cottrell
Cottrell, Garrison
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Facial recognition, neural networks, human cognition, cognitive science, computational philosophy, artificial intelligence (AI).

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