Faculty Profiles

Photo of Sadik Esener
Esener, Sadik
Professor Emeritus, NanoEngineering
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Photonics and opto-electronics, including optical interconnects, optical data storage, biophotonics, and cancer nanotechnology
Photo of Hadi Esmaeilzadeh
Esmaeilzadeh, Hadi
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer architecture, immersive machine intelligence.
Photo of Yeshaiahu (Shaya) Fainman
Fainman, Y. Shaya
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Calit2
Applied optics and photonics, including 3-D imaging, biomedical optics, optical signal processing and nano-photonics.
Photo of Charles Farrar
Farrar, Charles
Adjt Professor, Structural Engineering
Analytical and experimental solid mechanics problems with emphasis on structural dynamics.
Prof. David Fenning
Fenning, David
Associate Professor, NanoEngineering
Solar cells and solar energy storage, defect engineering in materials for energy conversion, photoelectrochemistry, synchrotron-based X-ray characterization.
Portrait of Earlence Fernandes
Fernandes, Earlence
Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Security and privacy 
Photo of Jeanne Ferrante
Ferrante, Jeanne
Professor Emerita, Computer Science & Engineering
Compiling techniques that make scientific applications run faster.
Photo of Joseph Ford
Ford, Joseph
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Physical optics system design and integration for applications in imaging, communications, and energy.
Photo of Patrick Joseph Fox
Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering.
Photo of Aaron Fraenkel
Data science, machine learning, large-scale abusive events on the internet

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