Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to a range of frequently asked questions.

Q: Who is the target audience for ENG 10?

A: ENG 10 is tailored towards first year engineering students at UC San Diego.


Q: When is ENG 10 offered?

A: ENG 10 is offered in Fall, Winter and Spring.


Q: Why should I take ENG 10?

A: ENG 10 was designed to help first year students:

  • understand how math can be applied to solve engineering problems
  • gain an understanding of the different fields of engineering
  • be exposed to the engineering design process
  • pick up a range of technical skillsets (programming, CAD, electronics, etc.)

In other words, taking ENG 10 can help you 1) strengthen your math skills, 2) learn about engineering as a major, career, etc. and 3) gain hands-on experience with engineering design and problem solving.


Q: I have no programming experience. Can I still take ENG 10?

A: Yes, ENG 10 does not require any prior programming experience.


Q: Why learn to program with Python?

A: Programming is a valuable tool for any engineer. For ENG 10, we have chosen to use the Python programming language as it is 1) a good first language to learn, 2) is free and open-source, and 3) is in high-demand in both academia and industry (e.g. BENG 100 now uses Python).


Q: I am a first year transfer student. Can I still take ENG 10?

A: While ENG 10 was originally designed for freshmen (particularly with regards to the math content), some first year transfer students may find the class valuable. As such, we allow first year transfers to take the course, although we ask them to speak with the instructors before deciding.