Jacobs School Student Travel Fund Recipients 2020 - 2022




Allyson Chen
@ 2022 AUVSI SUAS Competition

“At the AUVSI SUAS 2022 Competition, we competed in the mission demonstration against 71 international teams. We specialized our competition system to perform tasks such as autonomous control, navigation, and obstacle avoidance. We finished 5th overall, and 4th in mission demonstration, including distinctions such as the top performing fixed-wing system and top American university. Team members were able to learn and gain hands on experience in a vast array of skills and fields including aircraft design optimization, 3D computer aided design, computational fluid dynamics, composite manufacturing, controls, electronic system design, power distribution, communications, computer vision/machine learning, path planning and navigation, web development, and more.”

Jack Griffin
@ 2022 evGrand Prix World Finals - Autonomous

“I was able to gain a lot of experience of working with a team of my fellow student engineers to put in many hours each day to make sure that on the last day of the conference our robot go-kart would come out on top. During the conference, it was nice to talk to many of the other students, advisors, the organization's representatives, and representatives from companies such as Honda to present our work to them and show off all the hard work we have done and showing the excellence a UCSD student can do.”

Aditi Gnanasekar
@ American Association for Cancer Research 2022

“I learned that I am most interested in pursuing clinical/translational research related to disparities in disease and healthcare. Projects and presentations on cancer disparities research fascinated me more than many basic science topics. The conference was certainly one of the most inspiring experiences. I was able to network with other student scientists and learn from leading clinicians, researchers, and experts from across the globe and all working to find a cure to the world’s most malignant diseases.”

Jessica Lam
@ SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2022

“I had a great time at SIGCSE TS 2022! During the conference I was able to attend several panels, paper sessions, and poster sessions -- through which I was able to get better insight into the computer science education field and gain new ideas and approaches that I may be able to apply to my future research. I was also able to present my work at the conference and discuss the results and implications with educators and other students, which was both an exciting and important experience. Lastly, I was able to meet and connect with many others intersted in computer science education research including educators and both graduate and undergraduate students. Through my conversations with the people I met during the conference, I was able to gain more clarity on future paths in computer science education research, graduate school, and other career paths in the area.”


Valeria Munoz Lopez
@ AIAA SciTech Conference

“I was really inspired by the Women at SciTech conference. This event really motivated me to believe in myself and my abilities as an individual. Being a minority has its challenges; however, my focus should be on rising above them and not just the inequality of the matter. There are women in high engineering positions and with enough hard work, so can I.”

Emerson Noble
@ Mayo Clinic Respiration Tests for ARMOR Labs Motion Tape

“During the tests at Mayo Clinic, I was able to help conduct various tests for ARMOR Labs’ Wearable Nanocomposite Kinesiology Tape (Motion Tape). We would conduct these tests at Mayo Clinic’s Medical Sciences building in Rochester, Minnesota. The Tests involved included four different types of breathing with varying levels of intensity and inhalation and an array of physical exercises which also varied in intensity. I was also able to participate in these tests as a subject and help in maintaining successful tests. I was able to learn that the methods for conducting research do not always involve state of the art equipment during every aspect of data collection. Oftentimes, ideas need to be creative and simple in order to breakthrough different difficulties during the process.”


Ronak Shah
@ NPR's "How I Built This" Summit

“'How I Built This' was overall a really good time - it was the first virtual conference I've attended, and while there were some technical issues at the beginning, the entire experience was really great and I'm glad I got to hear advice from some of the biggest names in entrepreneurship such as Gary Vee and Sal Khan. I think their advice in starting new businesses and what they had to say about building relationships, marketing, and leadership were invaluable. There were also a bunch of 1:1 networking events throughout the week allowing us to form close relationships with like-minded people, and I'm glad I got to participate and learn more about the fields of entrepreneurship and marketing from the best.”


Kaitlyn Wong
@ SASE's West Regional Conference

“For WRC, each of our attendees were able to attend 3 different workshops, including two networking sessions. We were able to choose which workshops to attend, ranging from becoming more mindful of ourselves and managing our stress to how to be a better leader and the different communication/leadership styles. It was really nice to meet other people within the west region, as our chapter had mainly interacted with chapters in the south region so far.”

Timothy Pham
@ Lockheed Martin Ethics in Engineering Competition

“As a participant in the Ethics in Engineering competition, I was able to meet many engineers working in the field and connect with them as well as compete against schools around the nation on how to make decisions in an ethically challenging scenario. I was able to gain insight into what a career in engineering entails and the rigors of technical, business, and ethical decision making.”

Marehan Waly
@ AMIA 2020 Virtual Annual Symposium

“This conference was such a wonderful experience! AMIA is one of the biggest annual bioinformatics conferences in the country, and to present my first ever poster presentation at it was a wonderful experience even if it was virtual! My favorite part was definitely the fireside chat with Dr. Anthony Fauci that I attended right after my poster presentation! The fireside chat was a very informative talk on the current pandemic and the way different scientists are contributing! I also learned a lot during the preparation for this conference as I had to make an audio presentation and a poster which I've never made before.”

Nathan James Basa
@ ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2020

“Through this virtual event, I was able to attend paper talks, posters, demos, and network with researchers over the course of 3 days. I also helped prepare the presentation for the research paper that I co-authored with my group that was presented during the conference. It was a valuable experience, having presented last year for a demo.”

Parker Hill
@ BMES National Conference

“The event was really awesome to get to attend, and I know all of our officers got a lot out of it. Speaking from my own experience, I got to learn a lot about current research for surgical robotics, especially with regards to endoscopic robots which work with soft tissue. Furthermore, I got to interact with several recruiters for graduate school programs and got my name out there for programs I was interested in.”


Check out the 2014-2015 STF recipients here

Check out the 2015-2016 STF recipients here

Check out the 2016-2017 STF recipients here

Check out the 2018-2019 STF recipients here

Check out the 2019-2020 STF recipients here