NanoEngineering hits its stride

A new virtual issue of ACS Nano adds to the growing momentum in nanoengineering, chemical engineering and materials science here at the Jacobs School of Engineering. 

The special issue builds on the momentum of our $18 million NSF MRSEC (Materials Research Science and Engineering Center). The UC San Diego MRSEC connects chemical engineering, nanoengineering and materials science with biology, chemistry, physics and computational sciences in new ways aimed at turning breakthroughs into innovations that strengthen US industries. The UC San Diego MRSEC is a validation of the Jacobs School's forward-thinking strategy to officially link, nearly 15 years ago, our NanoEngineering Department and our Chemical Engineering Program. 

The ACS Nano special issue looks to the past and future of our nanoengineering department and serves as a mini-review of high profile research and education projects. 

Institute for Materials Discovery and Design
Our nanoengineering and chemical engineering faculty and students are also central to UC San Diego's Institute for Materials Discovery and Design (IMDD). I invite you to join us on September 29 for a virtual launch of this new Institute, which we created in partnership with the Division of Physical Sciences. Nobel Laureate Professor Stan Whittingham will give the keynote. Whittingham was key to the discovery of intercalation chemistry and the design of lithium-ion batteries. Register for this free event here

Breakthroughs to innovations
The tremendous headwinds brought on by COVID-19 have sharpened my thinking on how to better empower our students, staff and faculty to more effectively turn the breakthroughs we make into innovations that serve the public good. Much more to come on this topic in the future. In the meantime, I can alway be reached at

You make engineering matter
Engineering and computer science education and research matter more now than ever. I'd like to thank the Jacobs School staff and faculty for the incredible work that each of you do — so much of it behind the scenes. Your efforts make all the difference. 

Take care and stay safe. We are all in this together. 

~Albert P. Pisano, Dean
UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering