News Release

Jacobs School Associate Dean Charles Tu Awarded Honorary Doctorate

San Diego, CA, May 29, 2013 -- Electrical Engineering Professor Charles W. Tu has been awarded an honorary doctorate of engineering at Linköping University. At the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, Tu serves as Associate Dean and as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Over the past two decades, Tu has worked closely with researchers at Linköping University, Sweden (LiU). The research has focused on developing new electronic/photonic/spintronic materials. The work has resulted in over 150 joint publications and conference contributions with LiU’s professors Weimin Chen and Irina Buyanova. 

Congratulations to professor Charles Tu for this well deserved recognition his contributions to materials physics research at LiU.

This collaboration first got started when Professor Chen was working in the University of California at Berkeley. Since Chen’s return to LiU in 1993, the cooperation has flourished and has covered a very wide range of materials research spanning from low-temperature MBE grown GaAs and InP for high-frequency devices, dilute nitrides for multi-junction solar cells and near-infrared lasers for fiber-optic communications, to ZnO nanorods for UV light emitters and sensors, self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots for spintronics and quantum information, and GaP/GaNP core/shell nanowires for photonic applications. Read the press release from Linköping University.

Tu is well known for advancing the field of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), a method of depositing artificial crystals atomic layer by atomic layer that is used to build novel semiconductor hetero- and nano-structures for electronic, opto-electronic, and photovoltaic devices. He was ranked among the Most Cited Physicist by the Institute of Scientific Information (1997). Tu is a Fellow of the IEEE, the American Physical Society, and the AVS Science and Technology Society. He was Engineering Educator of the Year in San Diego County in 2006, the recipient of Taiwan's Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation Outstanding Research Award in 2009, and the recipient of the North American MBE Innovator Award in2011.

Charles Tu joined the UC San Diego faculty in 1988, and was appointed associate dean of the Jacobs School in 2004, after serving from 1999 to 2003 as chair of the ECE department. He was a distinguished member of AT&T Bell Laboratories technical staff from 1980 to 1988. He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science from Yale University in 1978.

Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering