News Release

New Engineering Research Centers at UC San Diego will be Highlighted at Research Expo

Research areas: wearable sensors, extreme events research, sustainable power and energy, and visual computing 

San Diego, CA, February 24, 2015 -- Professors leading four new research centers at the University of California, San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering will speak at Research Expo on April 16, 2015. The faculty talks will focus on cutting-edge research in wearable sensors, extreme events research, sustainable power and energy, and visual computing. (Learn more about the agile research centers project at the Jacobs School of Engineering here.)

Research Expo is an annual research, recruiting and networking event at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego. It includes 20-minute faculty talks, networking and a huge poster session in which 200+ engineering and computer science graduate students discuss their latest research with attendees.

Research Expo 2015 is Thursday April 16 at the UC San Diego Price Center. Register today.

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Research Expo 2105 is April 16 at UC San Diego. Join us. 


New Research Centers: 20-minute Faculty Talks at Research Expo 2015

Center for Extreme Events Research (2:30 PM)
Jiun-Shyan (J.S). Chen
William Prager Professor of Structural Engineering

“I will introduce meshfree-based computation methods for multi-scale, multi-physics simulation of damage initiation, propagation, and total collapse in structures and systems subjected to extreme events. I will also discuss how verification and validation of numerical simulation play an important role in the reliability of disaster prediction.”
>>Read the full abstract here.
>>Center for Extreme Events Research press release
>>Center website
>>brochure (PDF)


Center for Visual Computing (3:00 PM)
Ravi Ramamoorthi
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

“Visual computing at the interface of computer vision and computer graphics is undergoing a major transformation that impacts our daily lives…The UC San Diego Center for Visual Computing seeks to develop the fundamental technologies needed to take full advantage of these opportunities, transforming the way we experience and display visual content and indeed the way we live.”
>>Read the full abstract here.
>>Website to come


Sustainable Power and Energy Center (3:30 PM)
Shirley Meng
Professor of NanoEngineering

“I will discuss new perspectives for energy storage materials being pursued at our new Sustainable Power and Energy Center. The work includes new-generation lithium-ion batteries, new sodium-ion batteries and other battery chemistries with ­lower costs and longer cycle lives.”

>>Read the full abstract here.
>>Related: Sustainable Power and Energy Center wins "Frontiers of Innovation" support from UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs.
>>Website to come


Center for Wearable Sensors (4:00 PM)
Patrick Mercier
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

“The Center for Wearable Sensors endeavors to build new sensing devices that measure useful parameters that can help directly affect patient healthcare and behavior, while doing so with ultra-miniaturized sensing electronics that are either extremely energy-efficient or support energy harvesting for seamless integration into daily life.”
>>Read the full abstract here.
>>Center for Wearable Sensors in Pulse magazine
>>Center website
>>brochure (PDF)


Research Expo 2015 Highlights

* 200+ graduate student poster session

* Fast-paced faculty tech talks

* Network with Jacobs School faculty, graduate students, alumni and attendees from industry, government and non-profit sectors


More Information

For more information about Research Expo visit the Research Expo website.

UC San Diego alumni receive half-price admission to Research Expo ($50)

Employees of Corporate Affiliates Program member companies of the Jacobs School receive 2-for-1 admission.

Download and share the Research Expo 2015 postcard (PDF)

The UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering gratefully recognizes its Research Expo 2015 corporate sponsors Qualcomm, ViaSat, Cubic and Leidos. 

Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering