News Release

More than 213 Reasons to Attend Research Expo at UC San Diego

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Meet tomorrow's technology workforce at Research Expo at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. 

San Diego, CA, March 20, 2015 -- There are more than 213 reasons to attend Research Expo at the University of California, San Diego on April 16. That’s because 213 graduate students in engineering and computer science will present their research at the Research Expo poster session. This UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering event includes four 20-minute faculty talks tied to new research centers focused on wearable sensors, extreme events research, sustainable power and energy, and visual computing. Research Expo concludes with a networking reception. 

Corporate partners assert that Research Expo is the best way to find out about research underway at the Jacobs School across all six academic departments and the four new agile research centers of excellence.

Research Expo poster titles are available at the Research Expo website. Posters can be sorted by industry application area, academic department and research center. When you register, you get online access to research abstracts.

Meet the Future Engineering Workforce

Research Expo is a unique opportunity to meet graduate students from across the Jacobs School all in one afternoon. The event is structured to enable attendees to recruit and connect with research labs from all six academic departments. While meeting many different graduate students, you will catch up on the latest research in a wide range of disciplines from aerospace, biotechnology, clean technology and genomics to materials science, medical devices, seismic safety, software, wireless communications and much more.

Collaboration to Enrich Relevance

“I have a long history of collaborating with industry partners in my own research, and the same goes for the Jacobs School at large,” said Albert P. Pisano, Dean of the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

“There are often virtuous cycles that develop between research projects funded by the federal government and research projects supported by industry partners. Fundamental research often leads to discoveries that are of particular interest to industry. This can lead to more applied research projects supported by industry partners. Applied research, in turn, can open up new areas of fundamental research.

“Research Expo is a great opportunity for both established and potential industry and government partners to see research we are working on. You also have the opportunity to meet the people doing the research.

“We are doing more than 150 million dollars of research this year at the Jacobs School of Engineering. In that research, there is a lot of opportunity,” said Pisano.

Register for Research Expo today.

When: Thursday April 16, 2015
Where: UC San Diego
$100 Corporate  
$75 Non-Profit / Government / Academic

UC San Diego alumni receive half-price admission ($50)

Employees of member companies of the Jacobs School’s Corporate Affiliates Program receive 2-for-1 admission.

UC San Diego Faculty / Staff / Students can register free of charge.

The UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering gratefully recognizes its Research Expo 2015 corporate sponsors Qualcomm, ViaSat, Cubic and Leidos.

Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering