News Release

Electrical Engineering Summer Research Internship Program at UC San Diego

San Diego, CA, January 11, 2017– The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering is launching a new ECE Summer Research Internship Program. The 10-week program will run during summer 2017, from July 3rd to September 8th.

“This program, aimed at both undergraduates and graduates, was developed to give our students additional opportunities to participate in research while they are here at UC San Diego, so they in turn will have expanded opportunities to participate in industry internships, industry positions, and academic research in the future,” says Truong Nguyen, professor and chair in the electrical and computer engineering department at UC San Diego. “Those who aspire to MS or PhD programs will be more competitive in the application process and better equipped with the skills that other top schools are looking for."

Some of the projects include: Learning Robot Locomotion, Modeling Brain Circuits, Biomedical Devices and Systems for Point of Care and Precision Medicine, and A Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles. All the projects are listed here on the electrical and computer engineering website.

“With 27 Faculty Mentors, and over 60 projects, the internship program is sure to be an invigorating and insightful experience for our students,” says Nguyen.

Students who are selected to participate in the program will conduct independent study with their faculty mentors in winter and/or spring quarters to get up to speed on their projects, then work in a lab for the summer as a member of a research team and earn a $5,000 summer stipend.

About UC San Diego

The University of California San Diego is one of the leading universities in mixed-signal, microwave and mm-wave RFICs, digital communications, applied electromagnetics, signal/image processing, machine learning, optics and nano-electronics research. UC San Diego recently ranked fifth in the nation with an annual research budget exceeding $1 billion. The UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering ranks #8 in the USA according to the U.S. News & World Report best global universities ranking published in Oct. 2016. The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is led by 55 faculty and trains more than 650 graduate students per year.

For more information, please visit


ECE PR Contact
Shannon Prior
+1 (858) 534-2222

ECE Student Affairs Contact
Charmaine Samahin-Manns
+1 (858) 534-6547


Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering