News Release

Robotics and Autonomy Research at UC San Diego Research Expo on April 19

San Diego, CA, March 26, 2018 -- Robotics and autonomy research is just one of the many reasons to come to the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering on April 19 for Research Expo. Industry recruiters and technical staff from companies across the region will be talking research with the 200+ engineering and computer science graduate students at their posters. The poster session runs from 2PM until 4:30 PM. Register today for Research Expo

Research Expo also includes faculty talks and a networking reception. Henrik Christensen, Director of the UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute, will give one of the three faculty talks. Christensen is leading a new effort at the Contextual Robotics Institute to perform autonomous transportation research on campus.

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Research Expo is April 19. Register today.

Christensen is a professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. He holds the Qualcomm Chancellor's Endowed Chair in Robotic Systems at UC San Diego.

Some of the graduate student research posters tagged as robotics are listed below. But as nanoengineering graduate student Caleb Christianson noted in a recent interview, there are an incredible number of research areas that are directly related to robotics.

“If you are interested in working in robotics, you can come at it from a variety of different ways. You don’t need to do a robotics program specifically. You could study electrical engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, or even nanoengineering,” said Christianson, who works in the lab of mechanical engineering professor Michael Tolley. “In the robotics [graduate student] group, we have people from cognitive science, health sciences, and visual arts. It takes all different backgrounds, interests, and experiences working together to do something as big and interdisciplinary as robotics.”  (Read about the UC San Diego Association for Robotics Graduate Students.)

In addition to the posters listed below, there will be interesting research relevant to robotics presented by graduate students from all six academic departments at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

Action-Conditioned Future Semantic Label Prediction for Autonomous Driving
Student: Ali Mirzaei 
Professor: Henrik I. Christensen 
Industry Application Areas: Software, Analytics | Machine learning, Computer Vision, Autonomous driving

Tritonbot - Lessons Learned From Early Deployment of a Long-Term Autonomy Tour Guide Robot
Student: Shengye Wang 
Professor: Henrik I. Christensen 
Industry Application Area: Robotics

Underwater Swarm Robotics for Ocean Exploration
Student: Antonella Christine Wilby 
Professor: Henrik I. Christensen 
Industry Application Areas: Energy/Clean technology | Life Sciences/Medical Devices & Instruments

Reversible Actuation of Origami Inspired Composites Using Liquid Crystal Elastomers
Student: Adriane Fernandes Minori 
Professors: Michael T. Tolley | Shengqiang Cai  
Industry Application Areas: Aerospace, Defense, Security | Materials | Manufacturing and Design

Soft Robotic Actuator with Gecko-Inspired Adhesive
Student: Paul Ezio Glick 
Professor: Michael T. Tolley 
Industry Application Areas: Aerospace, Defense, Security | Materials | Robotics

Elastomeric Diaphragm Pump Driven by Fluid Electrode Dielectric Elastomer Actuators
Student: Caleb Michael Christianson 
Professor: Michael T. Tolley 
Industry Application Areas: Life Sciences/Medical Devices & Instruments | Materials | Robotics

Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering