News Release

We Make Bold Possible

San Diego, CA, January 8, 2018 

At the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, we take on the tough challenges no lab, discipline, or company can solve alone.

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How we do it: we collaborate across disciplines within the Jacobs School and throughout UC San Diego’s $1.3 Billion research enterprise.

When we partner with industry, we actually listen. The result: bold collaborations that address the toughest shared challenges.

In Franklin Antonio Hall, our new building, we are expanding our abilities to partner across fields and industries through the Collaboratories for the Digital Future.

In all we do, we return to our guiding principle: engineering for the public good.


At the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, we are transforming engineering education, at scale.

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How we do it: hands-on undergraduate education all four years through the Experience Engineering Initiative, team-based internships, vast research opportunities that often cross disciplines, world-class maker studios including EnVision Arts and Engineering Maker Studio, bold student-led engineering teams, a dynamic entrepreneurship ecosystem, and more.

We empower one of the largest cohorts of undergraduate students in the nation to apply theory to real-world problems.


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Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering