News Release

Undergraduates Report Results of Summer Research in Asia, Australia

PRIME Students
Nine Jacobs School undergrads who participated in the  inaugural PRIME internship program

Students Return from Inaugural Program in Japan, Taiwan and Australia

San Diego, CA, Sept. 9, 2004 --  Nine students participating in UCSD's inaugural Pacific Rim Undergraduate Experiences (PRIME) program are now back in San Diego after ten weeks of work at major research institutions in Asia and Australia. On Friday, September 17, they will present the results of their research projects, and talk about the value of the experience to undergraduates in science, engineering and other discipilnes at UCSD.  The session will take place from 1:30-3pm in the main auditorium of SDSC.

The Jacobs School of Engineering and SDSC have invited news media to cover the new program that gives UCSD undergraduates a chance to do hands-on research in Pacific Rim countries during the summer. Reporters and TV crews will also have a chance to tour the supercomputer center's Machine Room at 1pm prior to the presentations by students and their mentors from UCSD and host institutions.

The undergraduate students - all enrolled in the Jacobs School - worked specifically on research projects related to the development and deployment of cyberinfrastructure on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. They will also talk about what they got out of living and doing research abroad as part of PRIME. The program's project coordinators at UCSD will also speak, including Sixth College Provost Gabriele Wienhausen, principal investigator on the PRIME project; Linda Feldman, director of UCSD's Academic Internship Program; and Peter Arzberger, director of the Life Sciences Initiative at UCSD, director of the National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR), and principal investigator on the Pacific Rim Applications and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) which is holding a workshop Sept. 15-17, also at SDSC.

The PRIME program is funded by the National Science Foundation, with additional support from UCSD and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology [Cal-(IT)2].

Media Contacts

Doug Ramsey
Jacobs School of Engineering