News Release

CSE Holiday Party Features Skits by Faculty, Staff and Students

CSE Staff Skit

CSE Staff Skit            High-quality:75MG   Low-quality:26MG

CSE Student Skit

CSE Student Skit          High-quality:54MG        Low-quality:12MG

CSE Faculty Skit

CSE Faculty Skit        High-quality:65MG  Low-quality:19MG

CSE Skits Opening
Opening Remarks      High-quality:6MG    Low-quality: 4MG
CSE Skits Closing
Closing Remarks       High-quality:1.3MG  Low-quality:0.4MG

San Diego, CA, December 22, 2004 -- The Computer Science and Engineering department threw itself a holiday party in early December. In what has become an annual tradition, the event included skits written and performed by staff, graduate students and faculty members.

Video clips of the 2004 skits are now available online as downloadable Quicktime files [to install Quicktime, click here].

There are high- and low-quality video files of each skit. "The high-quality versions lose less video information in the compression process, and generally look better," says CSE professor Geoff Voelker, who helped organize this year's event. "On the other hand, they are larger so they take longer to download."

Still photos of the holiday party (such as those below) are also available from the CSE site. Clips of the skits from two previous parties are also downloadable, from these locations: 2002, and 2003.

 Skits Pics

Media Contacts

Doug Ramsey
Jacobs School of Engineering