News Release

ECE Undergrads Showcase Research at EUREKA 2005

San Diego, CA, April 22, 2005  -- Undergraduate students from Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering took time out this week to deliver short presentations on 15 research projects as part of the 6th annual showcase known as EUREKA 2005. The acronym stands for ECE's Undergraduate REsearch Konference & Assembly.

  The showcase was co-sponsored by the ECE department, the Jacobs School's Corporate Affiliates Program (CAP), and Lockheed Martin Corporation. The keynote was delivered by Michael LaRouche, Senior Executive for Navy C4ISR solutions and San Diego operations of Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems and Sensors.


            (l-r) Prof. Pankaj Das, Lockheed Martin's Michael
              LaRouche and Jacobs School associate dean
                Charles Tu after EUREKA 2005 conference

In his talk about leadership in engineering, LaRouche said companies such as Lockheed Martin anticipate the number of engineers in the United States to shrink because of a double whammy of fewer college and university students majoring in computer science and engineering, and the expected retirement over the next 10 years of about 35 percent of the nation’s workforce. “We need engineers and computer scientists for the growth of our civilization,” said LaRouche.

He said companies like his are increasingly interested in the quality of engineering training and demanding team experiences to offset the expected decline in quantity of graduates. “When I listened to the descriptions of all the undergraduate projects that the Jacobs School is pursuing, the TIES [Teams in Engineering Service] program made me think of the Peace Corps, but instead of sending our bright young minds outside of our country, we’re sending them out to help public service organizations and small community organizations that need technological assistance but can’t afford it. By helping these organizations, these undergraduates are helping all of society.”

There were 16 research posters on display, and 15 of the teams were represented in short presentations by team members. To watch streaming video clips of their talks, click on the photo or the video link below the speaker's name [Realplayer required]:

 Project/Speaker/Length  Project/Speaker/Length

Physical and Electrical
Properties of InP
Jenny Hu  
Video: 3:48


Wi-Fi PulseOx
Component Design

Jeff Pon  
Video: 2:14

 MarAnalysis and Design
of Novel Optoelectronic
Warren Mar 
Video: 2:18
  BarryBluetooth Differential
GPS Receiver and
Mark Barry
Video: 2:59
 ZhengSurface Acoustic
Wave Biosensor

Yan Zheng
Video: 3:08
  RomabilesCellular-Based GPS
Shuttle Tracker

Robert Romabiles
Video: 2:17
 ChenCircuit Design and
Layout of RFIC Bias

Nicholas Chen
Video: 1:27
  KhosraviRemote Video Direct
Observed Therapy for

Chris Khosravi
Video: 1:37
 SunBalloon UAV Power
System Design

Yan Sun
Video: 1:40
  Khattar_TseIEEE NATCAR

Puneet Khattar &
Justin Tse
Video: 2:02
 ChanAutomated RAS

Wenjun Xu
Video: 1:28
  Mar2Railgun Energy
Storage System for an
All-Electric Warship

Warren Mar
Video: 1:55
 StefanescuBroadband Dual
Channel Arbitrary
Function Generator
Marius Stefanescu
Video: 2:29
  WangHolographic Radio

Wenting Wang
Video: 1:32

              Poster only

              Poster only

Wireless Sensor

Accident Avoidance in
Helicopter Rescue

  LiLDPC Codes in
Multiple Dimensions

Shi Li
Video: 3:55

Jacobs School Dean Frieder Seible and ECE Chair Paul Yu welcomed the students, and professors Charles Tu and Pankaj Das moderated the session. Tu and Das organized the event with CAP director Anne O'Donnell and senior Yan Zheng. "This was our

           Lockheed Martin's Michael LaRouche
            counsels senior Jeff Pon during the
                EUREKA 2005 poster session
most successful EUREKA event to date," said Tu. "More than 100 people turned out to participate in this year's conference and assembly, and next year we hope to expand the event and invite undergraduate researchers from other Jacobs School departments as well."

After lunch, ECE presented its Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards to Alberto Blanc (Spring 2004), Mustafa Arisoylu (Fall 2004), and Ryan Braidwood (Winter 2005). Blanc and Arisoylu in turn joined professors Rene Cruz and George Papen to judge the undergraduate projects. The award for best individual effort went to Jenny Hu. The best end-to-end engineering project award went to the School of Medicine-sponsored Automated RAS Activation Measurement team of David Lieberman, Lok Ki Fu, Cho Lit Chan and Wenjun Xu (pictured above). Finally, the award for the most creative team went to Mark Noah and Robert Romabiles for their development of a cellular-based GPS shuttle tracker, sponsored by Calit2.

EUREKA participants also heard a pitch for student participation in the TIES program from project director Silvia Mah. She explained how the program works and described the projects now underway with two community partners, St. Paul's Senior Homes and Lakeside's River

      Record attendance at 2005 ECE undergraduate
                research conference and assembly
Park Conservancy. As many as 40 students at any one time have been involved in the for-credit outreach effort since its inception last fall. [To view Mah's presentation, click here.]

Lockheed Martin's LaRouche said the TIES program provides students with the kind of leadership experience that industrial companies value highly. “The TIES program is a wonderful opportunity to start training our future leaders to be leaders,” LaRouche said. He said experiences that come out of involvement in the TIES program will make those students’ resumes stand out: “We need engineers coming out of school who know how to lead and who could orchestrate development teams that might be geographically dispersed across the United States or even distributed across the world.”

Media Contacts

Doug Ramsey
Jacobs School of Engineering

Rex Graham
Jacobs School of Engineering