News Release

Pentagon Selects UCSD Computer Engineering Student for Prestigious New Research Award

 Deborah Goshorn
          Electrical engineering M.Eng. candidate
                          Deborah Goshorn
San Diego, CA, June 15, 2005 -- The U.S. Department of Defense has launched a new scholarship program to support graduate degrees in science, math and engineering, and a student at the University of California, San Diego is one of this year's top recruits for the research-oriented program.

The Pentagon's Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship will provide Deborah Goshorn with a 'full ride' during the 2005-'06 academic year as she finishes her Master's degree in electrical engineering -- with a focus on digital signal processing -- at UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering. The SMART program was established by law to promote the education, recruitment and retention of rising junior and senior undergraduate and graduate students in science, math and engineering. The DoD program is organized by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).

 Goshorn Video 1
      Goshorn explains what
      riding motorcycles and
   engineering have in common.
             Length: 2:15
The SMART scholarships are spread among warfare centers of each branch of the Armed Forces. Nationwide, 36 scholars were selected from more than 600 applicants, and Goshorn was the #1 draft among the seven scholars allotted to the U.S. Navy. The award pays for tuition and fees, room and board, books and living expenses. In exchange, Goshorn (pronounced goss-horn) agrees to work for the U.S. Navy for at least one year after receiving her degree.

The commitment to work for the U.S. Navy was an easy call for Goshorn, because she is already on the payroll. Last summer she was one of eleven Jacobs School students selected for internships at the Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Command Systems Center in San Diego. "The project I was working on happens to be a crucial one for the Navy," said Goshorn. "So even though my internship ended, I was hired part-time and have been working there throughout the school year as a student contractor."

 Goshorn Cohen
  Deborah Goshorn (second from right) and UCSD colleagues
   Lam Nguyen, Ph.D. candidate in bioengineering, and recent
           electrical engineering graduate Nancy Hossein,
   flank Rear Admiral Jay Cohen, Director of Naval Research,
     at the 2004 Naval-Industry R&D Partnership Conference.
At SPAWAR, Goshorn works on a rapid prototyping system for digital signal processing to improve communications at sea. She is part of a team that is integrating MATLAB Simulink software onto the signal-processing hardware, and automated it in a graphical user interface to demonstrate the technology to Navy brass. Said Goshorn: "I hope to continue my technical and analytical support in the fields of digital signal processing and adaptive filters."

SPAWAR has already indicated that it wants to hire Goshorn full-time after she receives her Master's degree next summer, and the agency is willing to task her with a project that will mesh well with her Ph.D. work. "I plan to do my Ph.D. in mathematics with an emphasis on statistics related to digital signal processing," said Goshorn. "I just talked with one of my bosses and he says that they have a lot of projects about statistics coming up, so I won't have any problem finding one that fits my interests."

While other girls who did well in math in high school have historically drifted away from math or engineering in college, Goshorn embraced both, thanks in part to her family. "My Dad is an engineer and has had a big influence on me," she said. "I think I inherited a lot of his genes, and I grew up not thinking it was strange for a girl to be an engineer, because my sister was an engineer."

Goshorn Family
    Deborah (top right) with sisters (top row, l-r)
         Esther, Rachel, and Rebekah; parents 
       Lawrence and Jacqueline (middle row);
          brothers Joshua and David with pets 
                    St. Mozart and Sir Charlie.
Sister Rachel, 27, already works at SPAWAR and received her Ph.D. this spring from the Jacobs School of Engineering. Brother Joshua, 25, this month received his M.S.EE. in electrical engineering, and did his undergraduate work in computer engineering, also at UCSD. (Another brother, David, 28, and sister Rebekah, 23, earned double majors from UCSD, in theater/communications and economics-MS/political science-international relations respectively.  Mother Jacqueline went back to school and graduated this June from UCSD with a BA in theater. Esther, 18, graduates from high school this June.)

"We all see the value in UCSD and especially in the Jacobs School of Engineering," she added. "Between us we will have nine degrees from the Jacobs School alone! And in the end our family of eight will finish our educations with 27 or 28 academic degrees."

Deborah herself has been studying at UCSD since she was 14 years old, when she began taking college-level calculus while still a freshman in high school. At UCSD, she did a double major in computer engineering and applied mathematics. "My Dad always says the guy with the most math wins," recalled Goshorn. "I did applied mathematics because I'm not really into the abstract math, and I did computer engineering because I knew that to be a great engineer today, you really need the programming background."

 Goshorn Video 2
     Goshorn talks about her
    internship last summer at
   SPAWAR and her ongoing
     research there that will
 coincide with her Ph.D. work.
           Length: 2:06
For graduate school Goshorn switched to electrical engineering, and expects to continue to focus on signal processing even when she goes for her doctorate in mathematics. She recently passed her qualifying exam in statistics at the Ph.D. level, which will be the emphasis of her doctoral research. "I could just as easily have done my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, but I think that getting the doctorate in mathematics will broaden my horizons," she explained.

Goshorn expects to continue her research at SPAWAR even after she gets her Ph.D., but some day she also wants to teach engineering or math at the college level. "I know it's a strong desire for me to be a professor, but I don't know when the door will open," she said. "My long-range job aspiration is to continue serving our country's U.S. Navy fleet, and teach at the same time."

Last summer, Goshorn was one of three UCSD students invited to represent SPAWAR at the 2004 Naval-Industry Research & Development Partnership Conference in Washington D.C. "It was a pretty big deal and very exciting to speak with so many senior officials," she recalled. "I feel blessed to be working on national security technologies at a time when homeland security has become such a major priority for the country." It was during that conference that Goshorn was approached by a SMART official and encouraged to apply for the new scholarship.

 Goshorn Library
         ECE graduate student Goshorn commutes
       between home, SPAWAR and UCSD on her
               620cc Ducati racing motorcycle.
Work and study leave little time for hobbies, with one exception. "Everyone in my family rides Ducati sport motorcycles," said Goshorn. "My Dad has been riding his whole life, and he wanted his daughters to know that there is nothing that we can't do, whether it's riding a motorcycle, or doing engineering." Goshorn commutes to UCSD on her 620cc bright-yellow M-Ducati.

"I think a lot of girls have a lie in their head that math is too hard for them, but it's really not," continued Goshorn. "You just need a lot of encouragement, and I got that from my family."

Goshorn is a member of the Tau Beta Pi engineering honors society at UCSD, and occasionally spoke to young girls about careers in science, math and engineering. "If you like math, then you'll really love physics, and then you'll really love engineering, because engineering is really applied, applied mathematics," she said, paraphrasing her advice to girls -- and boys -- in high school. "I think that if you really like to know how things work, then you really have the mindset of an engineer."

Media Contacts

Doug Ramsey
Jacobs School of Engineering