News Release

The Jacobs School of Rock...Rocked!

San Diego, CA, June 15, 2007 -- The Jacobs School of Rock did, in fact, rock. More than 100 people gathered at Porter’s Pub on June 8 to hear five bands affiliated with the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering.


Crowd at Jacobs School of Rock
The Jacobs School of Rock crowd enjoys the sounds of Audition Lab.

Jacobs School of Rock

Watch a 15 minute video of Jacobs School of Rock
Windows Media Video


The evening began with Hawaiian and calypso music and the Beach Boys from the duo Island Sounds. Keith Marzullo, professor and chair of the computer science and engineering department of the Jacobs School of Engineering makes up half of the duo.


Keith Marzullo and Island Sounds
Island Sounds:  Keith Marzullo (right) professor and chair, the computer science and engineering department of the Jacobs School of Engineering.

Next, Ivan Dominguez, a drummer and an undergraduate at UCSD majoring in bioengineering, and the rest of the band Random Play turned up the volume and the rock.


Random Play
Random Play, including Ivan Dominguez on drums.

Serge Belongie, the concert organizer and a professor in the computer science and engineering department of the Jacobs School, took the stage next with his band SO3, which includes Mike Artamonov, a UCSD computer science alumnus.

SO3 on stage
SO3 (left to right) Mike Artamonov, Hugh Aitchison and Serge Belongie

On stage, Belongie’s roles as lead vocalist and computer science professor intertwined.

“A commonly held belief among professors…the lecture has not really started until the first question is asked. And there is also a philosophy that there are no dumb questions. When it comes to a concert, instead of teaching, the show hasn’t really begun until the first dancer comes out and similarly there are no bad dancers, not in the Jacobs School of Rock!”

After a short break, the darkened stage slowly came to life as the members of Audition Lab appeared one by one. Adorned with lights and lab coats, electrical and computer engineering graduate students Luke Barrington and Antoni Chan, computer science and engineering graduate student Caroline Galleguillos, and drummer Dennis Franco rocked the crowd.


Audition Lab
Audition Lab (left to right) Luke Barrington, Dennis Franco, Caroline Galleguillos and Antoni Chan.

The Contrapositives came on last. Emcee Gert Lanckriet, a professor of electrical and computer engineering from the Jacobs School, told the crowd that The Contrapositives stretch before the show. Perhaps there is a correlation between their stretching and their tight sound.


The Contrapositives
The Contrapositives: (left to right) Adam Streed, Barath Raghavan and Tim McDaniel.

After the show, Charles Tu, an associate dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering and an electrical engineering professor searched out Serge Belongie, the concert organizer, and delivered two words: “it rocked!”


Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering