News Release
Need New Look? Online Makeover is fan-taaz-tic
"Most people put on high gloss lipstick to give their lips a moist, plump look. Our technology gives lips in digital images this same look," says UC San Diego computer science professor and co-founder David Kriegman (left) with co-founder Satya Mallick (right), a recent Jacobs School Ph.D. Watch a two-minute demo of hereorWatch the three minute version that includes a little more technical information as well as the role the von Liebig Center played in the spinout process |
San Diego, CA, March 18, 2008 -- Thanks to a Jacobs School startup company whose virtual makeover site, went live today, the cosmetics counter isn't the only place to try out the latest makeup trends. The new way is easier, faster, and much more private. Anyone with a digital photograph can now apply more than 4,000 makeup products with the click of a mouse. It's all at - the creation of two Jacobs School computer scientists turned entrepreneurs.
The computer scientists invented an algorithm for separating gloss from non-gloss in digital images - a technical feat crucial for's patented approach to applying photorealistic makeup to images. It is also useful for more traditional computer vision applications like face recognition "With, digital makeovers are realistic, easy and free," says Satya Mallick. is easy and free. Simply upload a portrait-style photograph and a computer vision system automatically identifies your eyes, nose, lips and cheeks. From here, you can apply thousands of makeup products from a wide range of brands to your digital portrait and experiment with new hairstyles and colored contacts. After trying a prototype, one user went home and bought a new pair of colored contacts, says David Kriegman, a UCSD computer science professor and co-founder.
Once you create a new look, you can share it with friends, post the picture in's public gallery or upload it to social networking sites. To make shopping easier, you can print a list of what you tried on at
"With, we take something very complicated -- giving digital portraits a photorealistic makeover -- and make it very easy," says Satya Mallick, a co-founder with a fresh Ph.D. in electrical engineering from UCSD. Mallick's dissertation focused on the gloss removal algorithm that led to Kriegman, Mallick and third co-founder Kevin Barnes secured venture funding from iSherpa Capital in August 2007. They hired three recent UCSD grads.
Kriegman credits the Jacobs School's von Liebig Center, UCSD's Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Services, and CONNECT's Springboard program for helping the team develop and spin out their business, license the core technology, and secure venture capital.
Related academic papers from the David Kriegman research group at UC San Diego:
Satya P. Mallick, Todd Zickler, Peter N. Belhumeur, and David J. Kriegman "Dichromatic Separation: Specularity Removal and Editing.", SIGGRAPH, sketch, July-August 2006, Boston,
Satya P. Mallick, Todd Zickler, Peter N. Belhumeur, and David J. Kriegman "Specularity Removal in Images and Videos: A PDE Approach.", European Conference on Computer Vision, Volume I, Pages 550-563, May 2006, Graz, Austria
Satya P. Mallick, Todd E. Zickler, David J. Kriegman and Peter N. Belhumeur "Beyond Lambert: Reconstructing Specular Surfaces Using Color", Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2005.
Media Contacts
Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering