News Release

Von Liebig Center Hosts First Annual Technology Showcase

San Diego, CA, July 25, 2008 -- Technologies developed at UC San Diego landed in the spotlight on July 16 at an entrepreneurship technology showcase organized by UC San Diego’s von Liebig Center.

app2you at von Liebig technology showcase
Members of the app2you team describe how their build-your-own-database-driven-Web-app works at the von Liebig technology showcase.
About 60 venture capitalists, angel investors and potential strategic partners converged on the UC San Diego campus to learn more about fifteen university technologies and early stage companies—most of which are from the Jacobs School of Engineering.

UC San Diego professors, former students and business partners all took the podium and pitched their respective technologies.

Mike Elconin, a von Liebig advisor and president of Tech Coast Angels and the emcee for the event, explained to the audience that each of the three minute presentations should give  “just enough information to get people talking.”

And the talking did follow. After the last of the rapid pitches, the presenters returned to their booths and the venture capitalists, angel investors and potential strategic partners engaged the presenters in conversations.

computer science alum Ryan Sit at the technology showcase
Ryan Sit (center), a computer science alumnus of the Jacobs School attended the technology showcase. Sit recently launched a new free lifecasting tool called Swurl ( with fellow computer science alumnus Jonathan Neddenriep.

“It was very satisfying to see the high level of interaction between the researchers and potential investment and commercial partners,” said Rosibel Ochoa, acting executive director of the von Liebig Center.

Bioengineering professor Geert Schmid-Schönbein (right) has proposed a new mechanism and new treatment approaches for Type 2 Diabetes. 

"We made some good contacts with potential investors and industry partners at the technology showcase. I am looking forward to seeing how these relationships will grow," said bioengineering professor Geert Schmid-Schoenbein, one of the founders of the startup InhibeX .

Rosibel Ochoa and Larry Cohn

Rosibel Ochoa, acting executive director of the von Liebig Center with Larry Cohn from showcase sponsor Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Attorneys at Law.

Presented technologies at the showcase included:
***Energy absorbing “liquid sponges” for helmets, running shoes and more ***Unprecedented high-capacity visualization capabilities (HIPerWall)
***Do-it-yourself Web programming
***New treatment possibilities for Type 2 Diabetes
***New genome sequencing technologies
***Revolutionary High Performance Red LEDs

See all technologies / company profiles online at:

In January 2008, UC San Diego's von Liebig Center received national recognition by the Kauffman Foundation as one of two proof of concept centers which serve as effective vehicles for helping to launch the commercialization of university innovation and to fill the seed-stage funding gap for new technologies.  

Media Contacts

Daniel Kane
Jacobs School of Engineering