News Release
UCSD Engineering Honor Society Wins Most Outstanding Chapter Award
San Diego, CA, October 20, 2010 -- UCSD's engineering honor society, Tau Beta Pi, was awarded the "nation's most outstanding chapter" award, which they also won in 2007.
The chapter was established in 1994 and with more than 150 members is one of the most visible and active student organizations on campus. The chapter provides community service and works with other student organizations to plan campus-wide events. TBP offers free tutoring for all engineering students in lower and upper division engineering classes, and sends members to local grade schools each week to teach basic science and engineering principles using experiments.
Read through the chapter's calendar of events to get a sense of the whirlwind of activities that the members organize each month: events like the LED Pumpkin Carving Contest, IM Dodgeball, a Kayaking excursion, several community service opportunities, and its spring ThinkGREEN! event to encourage high school students to pursue careers in sustainable and renewable energy.
The official name of the award is the RC Matthews Most Outstanding Chapter Award. The award is given to one Tau Beta Pi chapter out of currently 232 active chapters across the Unites States based on the activities the chapters hold.
Tau Beta Pi is open to the top eighth of juniors and top fifth of seniors at the Jacobs School. To be initiated, prospective members are required to put in 15 hours of work for the honor society. Members are encouraged to continue participating in activities long after the minimum service requirement is met.
Media Contacts
Cheryl Harris
Jacobs School of Engineering