Press Clips Archive

Press Clips

Dancing, high-fiving robots are becoming more human
Vermillion | July 23, 2024

Actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger is not the only one to have said goodbye, in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, to Terminator, the c...

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Scientists teach robot how to dance and hug to improve human-robot interactions
Travel Tomorrow | July 22, 2024

A group of engineers at the University of California in San Diego have successfully taught a humanoid robot to perform a variety of expressive gesture...

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Microbes, Microwaves, and Mixes: Eco-friendly Plastics Solutions
The Chemical Engineer | July 18, 2024

PLASTICS can be made to biodegrade, but it is unlikely they will end up in an environment such as an industrial composting facility that will allow th...

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Forget Terminator -- this robot learned how to dance and hug to find friends
Cybernews | July 18, 2024

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have achieved the next milestone in robot kinesthetics. While human motions from actual humans ...

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Teaching humanoid robots to dance could help reshape our attitudes towards them
The Star | July 18, 2024

When we think of robots, images of cold, rigid machines often spring to mind. However, according to US research, teaching bipedal robots to imitate hu...

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Dancing robots: The future of human-robot interactions | July 16, 2024

As we continue to march towards an increasingly digitized era, the possibility of robots co-existing harmoniously with humans in various settings beco...

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Robot Dance Lessons Could Make Them More Agile and Less Scary
Decrypt | July 16, 2024

Rapid advancements in robotics can make the technology seem "terrifying," so a team of engineers at the University of California San Diego i...

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Do the Robot!
Hackster | July 15, 2024

Robots are not exactly known for their graceful movements. In fact, to move robotically has become synonymous with making jerky, unnatural movements w...

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Dancing droids: Scientists teach humanoid robot sweet moves, high-fives, hugs
Interesting Engineering | July 12, 2024

Aiming to reshape public perception of robots, a group of engineers have trained a humanoid to learn and execute a variety of expressive actions. The ...

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Scientists create 'living plastic' with bacterial spores
Spectrum News | July 1, 2024

The solution to plastic pollution might lie with bacterial spores from a strain of Bacillus subtilis, according to nanoengineer Han Sol Kim with the U...

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How Algae Microrobots Could Tackle Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Technology Networks | June 28, 2024

University of California San Diego (UCSD) researchers have developed algae-based "microrobots" that reduce inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ...

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'Microrobot' Pills Eased IBD in Mice, Paving Way for Human Testing
U.S. News & World Report | June 28, 2024

A new "microrobot" pill may help tame inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a new study in mice suggests. The pill significantly reduced IBD sym...

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